March 6, 2021: 9 am - 3 pm EST
9-9:55 am: Keynote Address
Address Title: Interprofessional and Intraprofessional Collaboration in Global Surgery
Opening Remarks: Steven Roser, MD, DMD, Residency Program Director, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
Moderator: Allison Linden, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
Speaker: Robert Riviello, MD, MPH, Director of Global Surgery Programs, Brigham and Women’s Center for Global Surgery and Public Health
10-10:55 am: Locally Global: A panel exploring collaboration in resource-limited perioperative care.
Providers in resource-limited and rural settings will discuss experiences in a variety of settings including the Navajo Nation, the U.S. prison system, the University of Rwanda, and our own Albany, GA, and talk through what we can learn from these rural and global experiences.
Moderator: Cinnamon Sullivan, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University School of Medicine
- Lemuel Dent, MD, General Surgery, Phoebe Putney, GA, USA
- Lynn Tesh, RN, NP, FNP, Federal Bureau of Prisons
- Sean Runnels, MD, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
- Susana Samaniego, General Surgery, Indian Health Services, Shiprock, NM, USA
11-11:55 pm: Interprofessional Collaboration in Maternal Health
A conversation with a diverse group of experts in the field of global maternal health. Learn about their unique experiences and advice on forming strong collaborative teams.
- Hannah Millimet, Emory Medical Student
- Kelsey Roof, Emory Medical Student
- John Cranmer, DNP, MH, MSN, Assistant Clinical Professor, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Rudolph Gleason, PhD, Associate Professor, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Marisa Young, MD, PhD, Emory Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, USA
12:00-12:25 pm: Break & Networking Rooms, Session 1
Three networking rooms will be open to up to 30 people per room to continue the discussion from the day’s earlier panels and can be used as a place for symposium participants to enhance their experience by connecting with others in the global perioperative field.
Maternal Health
- Moderators
- Hannah Millimet, Emory Medical Student
- Kelsey Roof, Emory Medical Student
Locally Global
- Moderators
- Cinnamon Sullivan, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Emory University School of Medicine
- Alex Reitz, MD, MPH, Emory General Surgery Resident
- Sophia Stylianos, Emory Medical Student
How to build a career in global surgery
- Moderator
- Allison Linden, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Emory University & Children's Hospital of Atlanta
12:30-1:25 pm: Interprofessional Collaboration in Oncology
Panelists will analyze barriers to care and challenges in the uniquely interdisciplinary care of oncologic patients and discuss future steps to overcome these barriers in global oncology.
Moderator: Merry Sebelik, MD, FACS, Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
- Johan Fagan, MBChB, MMed, Leon Goldman Professor and Chairman, Division of Otolaryngology, University of Cape Town Medical School, Cape Town, South Africa
- Wayne Koch, MD, FACS, Professor Johns Hopkins University Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Program Director, Head & Neck Oncologic Surgery, Mbingo Baptist Hospital, Mbingo, Cameroon
- Chege Macharia, MBChB, FCS (ECSA), General and Head & Neck Surgeon, AIC Kijabe Hospital, Kijabe, Kenya
1:30-2:25pm: Interprofessional Collaboration in Trauma
Trauma providers from Bolivia, the United States, and the United Kingdom will discuss experiences providing trauma care in low-resource settings.
- Alexandra Medline, Emory Medical Student
- Rebecca Haley, Emory Medical Student
- Steven Roser, MD, DMD, Residency Program Director, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
- Esteban Foianini, MD, FACS, Medical Director and General Surgeon, Clinica Foianini, Bolivia
- Dipan Patel, MD, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
- Nigel Rossiter MB BS FRCSEd, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, Primary Trauma Care Foundation, Basingstoke, UK
2:30-3 pm: Networking Rooms, Session 2
Three networking rooms will be open to up to 30 people per room to continue the discussion from the day’s earlier panels and can be used as a place for symposium participants to enhance their experience by connecting with others in the global perioperative field.
Surgical Oncology
- Moderators
- Merry Sebelik, MD, FACS, Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine
- Sam Broida, Emory Medical Student
- Ben Magod, Emory Medical Student
- Moderators
- Alexandra Medline, Emory Medical Student
- Eli Morris, Emory Medical Student
- Rebecca Haley, Emory Medical Student
- Steven Roser, MD, DMD, Residency Program Director, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine