December 2015
Dr. Rizzo and Others Offer One-Time Radiation During Breast Surgery at EUHM
November 2015
Study Reveals Probable Benefits of Surgery for High-Risk Cancer Patients
October 2015
Dr. Duwayri Leading Study of New Branched Aortic Graft
September 2015
Dr. Yang and Dr. Mao PIs of New NCI Nanotechnology Grant
August 2015
Study Finds Too Few Kidney Dialysis Patients Referred for Transplant in Georgia
July 2015
Dr. Coopersmith and Dr. Ford Receive 3rd R01
Fifteen Emory Surgery Faculty Named to Atlanta's Top Doctors
June 2015
Study Finds That Socioeconomic Factors can Affect Outcomes after Surgery for Lung Cancer
May 2015
Dr. H'Doubler Receives Burson Physician Award
April 2015
New Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation Patients Available at Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital
March 2015
Resident Rohit Mittal 1st author of Top-10 Paper
Dr. Fernandez Co-Leads Linkage of US and European Thoracic Surgery Databases
Five-year Results of Groundbreaking TAVR Study Announced at ACC
February 2015
Emory Surgery Places in Top 20 for 2014 NIH Funding
January 2015
Dr. John Sweeney Appointed Chair of Emory Surgery
Dr. Padala Receives Prestigious Research Award from the American College of Cardiology