"I feel extremely fortunate to have been exposed to the wonderful field of radiology in my medical school career, but this elective really sealed the deal for me. The most exciting part was the opportunity to receive a faculty mentor and resident mentor. The encouragement and advice I received helped me navigate the application process and I will be forevery grateful for this invaluable gift. As a newly matched Emory Radiology resident, I am incredibly thankful to have been one of the first scholarship recipients and I hope it will be a blessing to many more in the future."
-- Joy Rosa Jackson, MD, MHS, Morehouse School of Medicine Class of 2023 and 2023 Scholarship Recipient
Rotation and Scholarship Details
Scholarship recipients participate in the four-week Emory Radiology Advanced Clinical Elective rotation (the Fourth-Year Clinical Elective). During this time, students rotate through multiple radiology subspecialties over four weeks. Students work directly with our radiology faculty and residents learning about the radiologist's vital role in the health-care system and in providing direct patient care.
In addition to the clinical rotations, each scholarship recipient is paired with a faculty mentor and a resident mentor. The mentors meet on a regular basis with the student to discuss career opportunities in radiology and the residency application process. Participation in our departmental and institutional equity and inclusion programming is encouraged and supported during the visiting rotation.
Two scholarships are offered each year to medical students who are participating in rotation dates in the spring, summer or fall of the application year. Each $1,250 scholarship can be used for travel, housing, food, or other expenses related to completing the visiting rotation.
This scholarship is available to third or fourth-year medical students with an interest in radiology, regardless of race, national origin, or sex, who are United States citizens or permanent residents and
- Belong to a group that is underrepresented in medicine;
- Have overcome significant economic adversity;
- Have demonstrated a commitment to working with underserved populations; AND/OR
- Have demonstrated commitment to working to advance equity and inclusion in medical professions and/or access to health-care services for underserved communities.
Applicants also must
- Be in good academic standing in their home institution; and
- Have applied for and been accepted for an Emory Radiology Advanced Clinical Elective rotation through Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) to be completed before December 31 of the application year.
Application Process
The online application for the scholarship asks for the following:
- Statement of interest (500 words maximum). Consider addressing why you are applying for the scholarship and what equity and inclusion in medicine means to you;
- Current curriculum vitae; and
- 1-2 letters of recommendation.
The application process for the 2024-2025 academic year is open and applications will be due by May 8. Those wishing to apply are advised to request letters of recommendation as soon as possible to allow ample time for writers to complete the letters.
Click here for the online application.