About Us

Emory University offers a one-year Breast Imaging Fellowship. The program emphasizes holistic clinical care in an interdisciplinary, collegial environment. As imaging is the foundation for a multidisciplinary approach for breast care, the fellow will be integrated into the Emory Breast Health Care Team which includes breast surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, breast pathologists, and an array of nurse navigators, nurses, nurse practitioners, technologists, and support staff. For all involved, empathetic, evidence-based patient care and interaction are emphasized and practiced. Breast imaging fellows will actively participate in weekly multidisciplinary breast conferences at all hospitals where they rotate.
The training curriculum includes the following:
- Interpretation of screening and diagnostic mammograms including digital tomosynthesis;
- Performing and interpreting breast ultrasound exams;
- Interpretation of breast MRI; and
- Attaining proficiency in breast interventional procedures including all forms of pre-operative localization (wire localization, radioactive seed placement localization, and reflector placement), ultrasound-guided biopsy, MRI-guided biopsy, stereotactic biopsy (including tomosynthesis guided), and abscess drainage.
We follow the revised curriculum of the American College of Radiology/Society of Breast Imaging.
The breast fellowship also involves teaching medical students and residents. Research opportunities are available and encouraged and research time will be allocated to those with approved projects and demonstrable progress.
DIRECTOR: Lea Gilliland, MD - Associate Professor of Radiology and Imaging Sciences and Director of Breast Imaging, Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital
Our faculty consists of a team of 20 dedicated breast imagers who have trained at different programs across the United States. They hold numerous leadership and committee roles nationally, regionally, and within Emory and many are recognized leaders in breast imaging education and translational research. Our division is led by Dr. Christopher P. Ho, associate professor, an award-winning educator and clinician.
Digital mammography with tomosynthesis is used at all Emory Breast Imaging Centers. Other

At the present time, rotations are divided among the Winship Cancer Institute, a National Cancer Institute-Designated Comprehensive Care Center, on the Clifton Campus; the new Winship at Emory University Hospital Midtown; Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital; the DeKalb Operating Unit, which includes Emory Decatur Hospital and Hillandale Hospital; and the Georgia Cancer Center for Excellence at Grady Memorial Hospital.
Each location serves a highly diverse patient population and features a unique care environment. This provides fellows with an exceptional training experience.
Breast fellows have junior faculty appointments and rotate reading screening mammograms over five to six weekends. Fellows also rotate at weekly intervals on the emergency breast call, dealing primarily with after-hours breast abscess management. They are backed by an on-call attending breast imager. Overall, total call responsibility is quite manageable.
Available Positions
There are six positions per year. We accept applications starting in the early fall for positions two years hence, which means this year we are recruiting for the 2026-2027 fellowship year. We participate in the Breast Imaging NRMP Match.
Must be able to obtain a Georgia Medical License (may be important to graduates of international medical programs). Please refer to the Georgia Composite State Board of Medical Examiners for further information.
Must be board-eligible for a Certificate in Diagnostic Radiology, having completed an accredited radiology residency program prior to the start date of the fellowship (July 1).
Please email or mail your completed application with all required materials to both of the following personnel:
Lea Gilliland, MD
Associate Professor and Fellowship Program Director
Email: lawrence.cockroft.gilliland@emory.edu
Breast Imaging Center
Winship Cancer Institute
1365-C Clifton Road
Suite C1104
Atlanta, GA 30322
La Toya Handsford
Email: latoya.handsford@emoryhealthcare.org
Fellowship Program Coordinator
Breast Imaging Center
Winship Cancer Institute
1701 Uppergate Drive
Suite 1104
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Emory University is an equal opportunity employer
The Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center