
On behalf of Emory University, I thank you for your interest in the Emory Radiology Research Track. The Emory Radiology Research Track is a unique 4-year program integrated within the Diagnostic Radiology Residency. The Research Track is geared towards residents who seek academic radiology careers that include a significant component of research.
The goal of the Research Track is to provide the foundation of an outstanding clinical education and supplement it with the skills-building and research experience to jumpstart a career in academic radiology. There are 4 major objectives of the Emory Radiology Research Track:
- Teach and foster the clinical skills necessary to be a successful academic radiologist;
- Provide an avenue for trainees to develop research skills;
- Advance radiology research and the field of radiology as a whole; and
- Produce well-trained, well-rounded radiologists that can be leaders in research.
By incorporating structured research and teaching experiences longitudinally throughout a radiology residency, residents can meet these objectives during the typical four-year radiology residency.
The Emory Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences is renowned for its scientific accomplishments and strong leadership in translational and basic research. Many skilled researchers work on wide-ranging topics such as nuclear cardiology, radiopharmaceutical discovery, breast imaging, and functional MRI, among others. Residents have access to the research initiatives and resources across the Emory enterprise, including the Emory Department of Biomedical Informatics, the Center for Systems Imaging, Emory/Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering Department, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Emory National Primate Research Center, and many other Georgia-based academic, industrial, and clinical partners.
Residents select their own projects and work alongside multidisciplinary research teams in a highly collaborative environment with state-of-the-art resources. Research Track residents have a strong history of successfully publishing peer-reviewed papers, presenting their research at national meetings, obtaining resident-directed research grants (such as the RSNA Resident Research Award), and transitioning into their own academic careers. Our goal is to help each of our residents achieve their potential as clinical radiologists and leaders in the field.
Residents are provided with the resources necessary to achieve these goals. This includes formal instructional time, a dedicated research course, department-provided laptop computers and office space, and academic time throughout the residency (5% in year 1, 20% in years 2-4).
Thank you for taking this time to learn more about our program. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions about the department or research track, and we look forward to meeting you in the future.
Brent Weinberg, MD, PhD
Radiology Research Track Residency Director
Key Faculty
Emory Radiology is a large academic department with more than 150 clinical and research faculty. The expertise and experience of all these faculty are available to residents who are a part of the research track. Several faculty play key roles in the leadership and guidance of the research track by participating in bi-monthly research meetings, interviewing resident candidates, giving research lectures, and helping guide the future direction of the program. A selection of these faculty members is listed below.
Our Residents
To learn more about their research projects, click here.