Researching the future of vision health
All of our scientists are steadfast in their commitment to translational research - an approach to scientific inquiry that identifies patient well-being as the ultimate answer to every question we ask. We are also committed to collaborative research - an approach to investigation that produces impactful results by drawing upon the diverse talents of multiple medical specialties, academic disciplines, and clinical observations.
Feola's glaucoma research earns support of VA, NIH
Investigating new approaches to ROP
The Research Division of the Department of Ophthalmology has attracted inspired funding from a broad range of public and private sources, including NIH, NEI, and ARVO.
A two-year $430K grant from the National Eye Institute will enable Department of Ophthalmology researchers Mike Iuvone, PhD and Jeffrey Boatright, PhD to conduct proof-of-concept studies for a novel treatment for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
The non-invasive approach is outlined in their proposal, “Atypical Opsins and the Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy (OIR) Model of Retinopathy of Prematurity” which was approved for funding in the spring os 2023. read more