Smart researchers ask good questions. Great ones share their answers.
A powerful commitment to research and medical innovation is everywhere apparent in the Emory Eye Center’s extracurricular lectures. This is our opportunity to ask, answer, analyze, and learn. Every week there are between one and four of these presentations, each featuring a clinician, researcher, or a recognized ophthalmology expert from outside.
- The Atlanta Vision Research Community’s (AVRC’s) Tuesday Morning Data Sessions (TMDS) New research findings from this network of clinicians, medical students, and researchers are presented and analyzed. Tuesdays at 9 am
- Vision Research Seminars. (VRS) Supported by the AVRC, this seminar brings in speakers from throughout the ophthalmic research and medical service communities to discuss ongoing challenges and breakthroughs. By announcement.
- Grand Rounds. The Grand Rounds series offers new insights from each of the Center’s Ophthalmic Specialties Divisions – a presentation that often includes interesting case analyses and multi-disciplinary medical or surgical collaborations. Fridays, 8 am
- Eye Center’s Endowed Lectures: Various named lectures, underwritten by our alumni and friends, allow the Emory Eye Center to invite regional, national, or international experts to share their perspective on topical themes in ophthalmology research and medical care. By announcement.