Marie Johanson, PT, PhD, Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, received the Emory University School of Medicine Dean’s Teaching Award for the academic year 2016-2017. The award recognizes superior teaching of medical and allied health professional students, the dedication and skill in teaching, and mentoring students in the classroom and the clinic. Dr. Johanson received the award at the Faculty Recognition Reception along with the fellow awardees.
Interprofessional Simulation Conference
The 2nd Interprofessional Simulation conference , a joint effort with the Emory University, Division of Physical Therapy, the SOM, the SON, the PA program and EHC was held on Nov. 14-15 on the Emory campus. The conference organizers collaborated using the premise of simulation-based learning both in academic and in situ (at the bedside) to improve patient focused care and safety. One hundred and twelve individuals including guest speakers attended the conference coming from as far as Hawaii to Massachusetts.
The attendees represented academic faculty as well as health care practitioners in the areas of physical therapy, nursing, pharmacy, physician assistants, physicians, occupational therapists and speech therapists. The attendees represented both academic institutions and clinical practice/healthcare. 15 guest speakers represented an interprofessional panel of experts from the University of Buffalo, Northeastern University, Drexel University, University of Miami, University of Minnesota, Emory University and Emory Healthcare. Participant discovery and scholarly work was represented by 24 posters selected by a peer-reviewed process, displayed at the conference. Several exhibitor/vendors also participated.
The Day 1 program focused on 6 key aspects of interprofessional simulation:
- the why and how of interprofessional simulation as well as communication
- simulation across the continuum: moving from student to clinician
- the importance of incorporating the patient and family
- the art of the debrief
- measurement of skill and competency: determining proficiency
- scholarship and discovery: striving for excellence
Day 2 focused on hands on group activities for development of assessment tools and scenarios for the interprofessional simulation. Day 2 was held at the Emory Center for Experimental Learning (ExCEL) highlighting both the Simulation Center and Clinical Skills Center.
Dr. Marie Johanson Receives the Emory University School of Medicine Dean’s Teaching Award
Emory University Receives $4.5 Million in USAID
Emory has received a $4.5 million four year grant from USAID to establish the profession of Physical Therapy in the country of Georgia. The grant will be used to establish a PT training center in the Emory Kobaladze Learning Center in Tbilisi, and to establish a clinic in Tbilisi and Batumi, the second largest city on the Black Sea. The grant will also help to establish a network of clinics throughout the country. Currently, Georgia has no nursing homes or other similar facilities to treat patients with strokes, amputations, motor vehicle accidents, landmine injuries, dementia and Parkinsonism. These patients are cared for by caregivers at home. The grant will be to train these home caregivers. The use of Information Technology to improve the quality of life of the disabled people will be explored. Following the lead of a group in the US., Tbilisi State Medical University is an important partner of the grant. They will supply the clinical facilities in Tbilisi and will be involved in the teaching process. The Emory group includes Dr. Archil Undilashvili, MD MPH MBA MHA FACP from the Emory School of Medicine as Chief of Party, Zoher Kapasi, PT, PhD, MBA and Marie Johanson, PT, PhD, Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist from the Division of Physical Therapy, Gordon Churchward, PhD, from the Dean’s office and Kenneth Walker, MD, from the Department of Medicine.
Celebrating Student Accomplishments
Emory University students recognized at the Foundation for Physical Therapy’s events at the 2017 NEXT Conference for their dedication and support to the foundation!
The Foundation for Physical Therapy presented Emory University’s PT Program with Honorable Mention for their fundraising efforts through the 2016-2017 VCU-Marquette Challenge. Honorable Mention is awarded to schools who show dedication to the Challenge by raising $3,000 or more.
Physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students from across the country were recognized for their fundraising efforts through the 2016-2017 VCU-Marquette Challenge at APTA’s NEXT Conference and Exposition in Boston, MA on June 22nd. Top fundraising schools were announced during the Challenge Awards Luncheon co-hosted by Marquette University and sponsored by Performance Health. Students also received recognition during the Foundation’s 2017 Boston PT Party. Students from 146 schools raised $340,986 to support physical therapy research. There was a record number of returning schools from last year’s “The List,” almost doubling retention to 70%.
Mercer University took top honors, winning first place and naming rights for the next Challenge by raising $45,220. The 2017-2018 Mercer-Marquette Challenge kicks off at the National Student Conclave in Portland, Oregon on October 19th.
About the Foundation for Physical Therapy
The Foundation for Physical Therapy was established in 1979 as a national, independent nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality and delivery of physical therapy care by providing support for scientifically based and clinically relevant physical therapy research and doctoral scholarships and fellowships.
Over the past 38 years, the Foundation has awarded more than $17 million in research grants, fellowships, and post-professional doctoral scholarships to more than 590 emerging scientists. Foundation-funded researchers have gone on to receive an estimated $753 million in external funding from the National Institutes of Health and other sources. Many of today’s leading and emerging physical therapist research.
Dr. Richard Nichols Named Honorary APTA Member
T. Richard Nichols, PhD, became an honorary member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) on June 21 by a unanimous vote of the APTA House of Delegates. Nichols is an internationally recognized scholar whose research has contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge related to the control of movement. Per the proclamation proposing his honorary membership, Nichols has been “a stalwart advisor” to the association and to academic programs “that teach future physical therapists and advanced physical therapist clinicians.”
Dr. Edelle Field-Fote shares her thoughts on Dual Degree programs.
An article from Nature on careers with Dual Degree programs. Edelle Field-Fote, PT, PhD, FAPTA, program director of the dual DPT/PhD program shares her thoughts on careers with Dual Degree programs in an article in Nature (pdf).
Dr. Zoher Kapasi, Wins the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Allied Health Professional Health Care Hero Award
Zoher Kapasi, PT, PhD, MBA wins the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Allied Health Professional Health Care Hero Award! This award honors leaders in health care who are influential in the metro Atlanta area. Dr. Kapasi was nominated for this award by Jonathan S. Lewin, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs; Executive Director, Woodruff Health Sciences Center; President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board, Emory Healthcare.
Dr. Lena Ting’s Research on Flamingos Published in Biology Letters Gains Media Attention
Dr. Lena Ting’s research on Flamingos and the implications of their one-legged stance on balance published in Biology Letters has garnered national media attention on NPR and in The Atlantic.
Dr. Edee Field-Fote Invited to National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
The Division is happy to share that Dr. Edee Field-Fote has been invited by the Director of NIH to serve as a member of the National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development beginning July 1, 2017. In this capacity she will have the opportunity to shape the Division’s research agenda in rehabilitation. We congratulate Dr. Field-Fote on this honor.
Dr. Bruce Greenfield Shares His Expertise in Ethics and Professionalism
Dr. Bruce Greenfield shares his expertise in Ethics and Professionalism in an interview with the San Diego Tribune as they explore the appropriateness of a hospital giving money to the San Diego Padres to be listed as the official healthcare provider for the team. Read More.
Blurring Lines Between Arts and Sciences, Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation Spring Issue 2017
As a child I was soft-spoken and shy. Although my grades were good, I was far from the star of the class, and frequently blended in with the general mass of my small rural high school. My high school biology professor, Mr. Burke, seemed to recognize my struggles and sought to pull me out of my shell. “Speak up, Squeaky!” he would say as I stuttered over an explanation of photosynthesis. While in most other cases one may find a weird nickname disparaging, my classmates knew to be called something other than your given name was a high compliment in Mr. Burke’s class. Nearly better than an A, this recognition was the sign of respect by our high school’s best teacher. When he gave you a nickname, you knew you were special. My enthusiasm for biology was only surpassed by my passion for photography, and I vividly remember the day Mr. Burke showed me his camera collection. As faculty leader for our yearbook, he was in charge of all photography and had the most amazing cameras I had ever seen! He had German Leica SLRs, mid-range and large format cameras—classics in a time that stands in stark contrast to photography in the age of smartphones and digital images. Read the full article.
Kudos to DPT Student Emma Goldberg!
Emma Goldberg received the Frank S. Blanton, Jr., MD Humanities in Rehabilitation Scholar award at a special dinner hosted by Maggie Edson, Pulitzer Prize winning playwright of the play Wit. This $1,000 scholarship goes to a graduate student with a dedication to the pursuit of knowledge in the humanities, a deep desire to foster awareness of humanities in health professions and a gentle kindness and compassion in relating with others.
The dinner was attended by Jenny Foster, professor in Emory School of Nursing, Sarah Blanton, Associate Professor, Emory Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Pam Chitkwa, PT clinical instructor at Grady Hospital and Emory alumni (class ’92), Stephanie Larson, Emory doctoral student in English and 2016 winner of Blanton scholarship, and Linda Merrill, faculty in Emory Art History dept.
Dr. Zoher Kapasi Receives 2016-17 Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award
The Division of Physical Therapy is pleased to announce that Dr. Zoher Kapasi was selected to receive the 2016-2017 Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award by David S. Stephens, MD, Interim Dean, Emory University School of Medicine.
The Emory Williams Awards were originally established by Mr. Emory Williams, a former emeritus trustee and graduate of Emory college in 1972. These awards honor faculty members who: a) foster participation, inquiry and creative expression in the classroom, b) serve as a model for teaching and scholarship, and c) serve as a mentor to students. As a recipient of the award, Dr. Kapasi will be listed in the 2017 Commencement Program.
The Division congratulates Dr. Kapasi on this well-deserved prestigious award!
Kudos to PT Alumnus Michael Robinson on His Faculty Appointment at Howard
It is with immense pleasure that we share our alumnus Michael Robinson’s success story. Michael graduated from the DPT program at Emory University in 2013. Michael has recently joined Howard University as a faculty member. We are especially pleased to learn that his classroom experience here at Emory motivated him to become part of the faculty at Howard. As a practitioner, Michael’s goal is to enhance student learning by bringing his clinic experience into the classroom.