1200 Orthopaedics (ORT MSK)
1201. Persistent Pain in the Person With Orthopaedic Disorders
CCHs: 3.5
Description: This intermediate level course will provide tools for the attendee to utilize for treatment approaches in individuals with persistent (chronic) pain. (2020-21)
1203. The Endocannabinoid System’s Role in Immune Response Regulation: Controlling Inflammation by Enhancing Endocannabinoid Function
CCHs: 2
Description: The purpose of this presentation is to outline the components and functions of our primary homeostasis system: the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). (2022-23)
1300 Neuro (NEU)
1301. Advances in Evaluation and Management of Ataxia
CCHs: 3
Description: This course will cover patient presentations that challenge care for patients with Ataxia. (2020-21)
1302. Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 and Pandemic Era Care Considerations
CCHs: 2
Description: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on every aspect of our lives, including clinical care, teaching, mentorship, and self-care. This course will review common psychological reactions to COVID-19 and the pandemic on patients/care partners, students/colleagues and in ourselves. (2021-22)
1400 DEI&B (DEIB)
1401. Creating Inclusive Clinical Learning Environments Part 1: Informed Practices
CCHs: 2
Description: This course is designed to introduce to the concepts of DEI&B-informed clinical instruction and to provide an engaging safe environment where Physical Therapy CIs can interact with one another to share experiences of encountering issues of DEI&B in clinical settings. (2020-21)
1402. Creating Inclusive Clinical Learning Environments Part 2: Equity & Advocacy in Practice- Focus: LGBTQ+ community and considerations for pelvic health
CCHs: 2
Description: As Part 2 of Emory DPT’s “Creating Inclusive Clinical Learning Environments” course series, presenters will build upon these concepts introduced in Part 1 with a focus on the LGBTQ+ community and considerations for Pelvic Health to foster Equity & Advocacy in physical therapy clinical practice. (2021-22)
1500 General Medicine/Acute Care (GEN MED)
1501. Best Practices in Acute Care: Optimizing Invasive Lines, Tubes & Monitors
CCHs: 2
Description: This course is geared toward both the new/entry-level and advanced practice Physical Therapist to integrate the complexity of lines, tubes, and monitoring devices and optimize them to advance treatment options with patients. (2021-22)
1600 Ethics & Jurisprudence (EJP)
1621 Ethics and Jurisprudence for PTs in GA - 2021
CCHs: 4
Description: This 4-hour course is designed to introduce and review basic concepts of professional ethics and the law as they pertain to the practice of physical therapy, specifically in the state of Georgia in 2021.