October 26, 2020 (Atlanta, GA) - Emory Emergency Medicine will host Next Gen 10th and 11th grade students from Carver STEAM Academy on Tuesday, October 27, through a virtual platform this year. The residents and physicians will share their backgrounds and journeys to becoming an Emergency Medicine physician while also introducing the Next Gen students to their training and simulations. Dr. Nabil Abazaid is organizing a meet and greet with residents and faculty, a virtual trauma simulation, and a review of the "Stop The Bleed" campaign. "Our goal is to energize this cohort of students so that they feel empowered to pursue a career in medicine," said Dr. Abazaid.
"Next Gen means a lot to me because for so many underrepresented minorities there is a lack of exposure to STEM fields within our communities," said Dr. Abazaid. "It's difficult to aspire to become something that you have never been exposed to or witnessed. We are hoping to provide the experiences and future mentorship that is the catalyst for the next generation of underrepresented STEM professionals in Atlanta and beyond," continued Abazaid.
Next Gen Executive Director Phil Olaleye said, "The Grady exposure trip is one of the most exciting and dynamic trips I've been on, and I've been on a few! As a young person, there's nothing more powerful than creating a clear vision for yourself and a future that excites you. Thank you Emory Emergency Medicine for providing that spark."
Next Gen partners with under-resourced high schools to create student cohorts, led by teachers and mentored by college students, to connect student interests to the world, visit local colleges and companies, and execute a plan for success after high school. In Atlanta, there are five high schools participating in the program.
When Cy'ierra from Creekside High School participated in the exposure trip last year she was part of a mock trauma simulation and remembers, "I enjoyed taking on the role of a doctor and talking about different scenarios."
Last year, Dr. Kenneth Disbrow was in his final year of residency at Emory Emergency Medicine and remembers introducing the students to careers within the emergency room such as nursing, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, and different types of healthcare providers. "We organized a trauma simulation where the students got to role play as a member of the healthcare team and work together to save a life," said Dr. Disbrow. "I truly enjoyed sharing my experience as an emergency physician with the students of Next Gen. I remember what it was like being in their shoes. I was a first-generation college applicant who understood that there are many career options to choose from. However, I lacked exposure to those careers beyond books and internet articles. Next Gen offers a valuable opportunity for young men and women of color to not only engage in various careers, but to also ask any questions that come to mind. I see this as an opportunity for students in Atlanta to learn more about medicine and the work of an emergency physician," continued Dr. Disbrow.
Dr. Jasmyne Patel participated in the program experience last year and is now in her second year of Residency with Emory Emergency Medicine. Dr. Patel said "it's difficult to envision yourself as a doctor, lawyer, scientist etc., when no one in these careers resembles you. Having Next Gen students come to the Emergency Department at Grady Memorial Hospital to meet doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and respiratory therapists that look like them, that come from the same background as them, hopefully inspires them to pursue a career in medicine. Through these visits, we also aim to provide role models for which they can aspire to emulate."
"Working with Next Gen opens a door of dreams and careers for these students, specifically ones that were perhaps seemingly unattainable," continued Dr. Patel. "Inviting students from Next Gen to both listen to, and learn from, our unique journeys and struggles pursuing medicine is also incredibly meaningful for us, as we aim to empower the next generation,” said Dr. Patel.
Dr. Nabil Abazaid and Dr. Michael Clery worked with Next Generation Men & Women Executive Director Phil Olaleye to give the Emory Emergency Medicine team an opportunity to connect with Next Gen students. "I am impressed with the Next Gen commitment to student growth and opportunity," said Dr. Clery. "I think the exposure experience for students is incredibly impactful."
Learn more about Next Gen at https://nextgenatl.org and Emory Emergency Medicine at em.emory.edu. Emory Emergency Medicine is dedicated to Saving Lives, Improving Health and Providing Hope.