Vice Chair for Innovation and Discovery

Congratulations to Jonathan Rupp, Ph.D., Emory EM's Vice Chair for Innovation and Discovery. Dr. Rupp, a tenured Professor of Emergency Medicine, was selected through a highly competitive national search process, standing out among many exceptional candidates.
Dr. Rupp joined the team in 2016 and has been instrumental in advancing the Department of EM’s research and innovation agenda. The EM team is thankful for his leadership as Director of the Injury Prevention Research Center at Emory (IPRCE) and as Director for Innovation and Discovery.
He has led the highly successful and productive IDEAS Scholars program, which has trained 21 EM faculty in the fundamentals of conducting research, building a research career, and grant development. Graduates of this program have submitted over 70 proposals and obtained over $7M in extramural funding. Dr. David Wright, Chair of Emergency Medicine, said, "He will work closely with the Department Chair and the team’s outstanding directors to advance research, innovation, and discovery across our emergency care service line. Dr. Rupp will also develop strategic collaborations with key external stakeholders..."
"We look forward to his continued leadership and the exciting advancements he will bring to [the EM] team," said Dr. Daivd Wright.