- News Highlight: Dr. Timothy Sampson, Assistant Professor in Cell Biology, was highlighted in Knowable Magazine (January 2024) for his research that links gut bacteria to Parkinson’s Disease. The story discusses how growing evidence suggests a link between the debilitating neurological illness and the microbes that live in our intestines.
- Symposium: Cell Biology hosted a symposium to honor Dr. Arthur English, Professor of Cell Biology on January 12, 2024. Download Symposium Flyer
- New Faculty Member: Cell Biology welcomes Sulagna Das, PhD, who will join Cell Biology in January 2024 as an Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Human Genetics. Dr. Das was previously a Research Assistant Professor in Cell Biology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY. Her new lab, located on 4th floor WBRB, will investigate the dynamics and regulation of RNAs in neuronal health and diseases using high-resolution imaging technologies.
- New Society Election: Dr. Gary Bassell was elected president of the Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology, and Neurobiology Chairs (AACBNC).
- New Promotion: Congratulations to Dr. Peter Wenner for his promotion to Professor, effective September 1, 2021.
- New Promotion: Congratulations to Dr. Marie-Claude Perreault for her promotion to Associate Professor, effective September 1, 2021.
- New Promotion: Congratulations to Dr. Sandra Garraway for her promotion to Associate Professor, effective September 1, 2021.
- New Faculty Member: September 1, 2021: Dr. Shirley Zhang joins the department as Assistant Professor.
- New Faculty Member: September 1, 2021: Dr. Kenneth Myers is promoted from Instructor to Assistant Professor.
- New Grant: Dr. Hyojung Choo was awarded an NIH Alzheimer's focused administrative supplement for her current R01 grant titled "Myonuclear homeostasis in craniofacial muscles" (2021-2022).
- New Grant: Dr. Hyojung Choo and Dr. W. Hong Yeo of Georgia Tech were awarded an NIH R21 grant titled, "Development of Nanomembrane Electronics and Machine-Learning Algorithms for Quantitative Screening of Dysphagia Therapeutics" (2021-2024).
- New Multi-PI/Institutional Award: Congratulations to Tim Sampson for his first R01 award entitled, "Interaction of pyrethroid exposure and the microbiome on Parkinson's disease related pathologies," from NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Dr. Sampson also received funding as part of a collaborative multi-institutional grant from the Aligning Science Across Parkinson's Collaborative Research Network (in association with the Michael J. Fox Foundation).
- New Hidden Gem Award: Dr. Jill Ward received the Emory School of Medicine 2021 "Hidden Gem Award."
- New R21 Award: Congratulations to postdoctoral fellow Dr. Yaqing (Celia) Li for her 2-year NIH R21 award titled, "Celiac ganglia plasticity after spinal cord injury."
- New Multi-PI Project Award: Congratulations to Drs. Marie-Claude Perreault, Shawn Hochman, and Francisco Alvarez for their 3-year senior grant, “Plasticity of the spinal interneuronal connectome controlling cutaneous vasculature after SCI,” from the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation.
- New Publication: Dr. David Katz Publishes Paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- New Multi-PI Project Award: Emory Fragile X Center: $8 million NIH grant supports next-generation neuroscience Gary Bassell is Project PI with Eric Klann at NYU on new NIH Fragile X Center, directed by Peng Jin and Steve Warren, Department of Human Genetics.
- New R01 Award: Dr. Dorothy Lerit, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, received her first NIH-NIGMS grant titled, “Post-transcriptional mechanisms of centrosome regulation”. The grant is for five years.
- New R01 Award: Dr. Jie Jiang, Assistant Professor in Cell Biology, received his first NIH grant titled, "Cell-type-specific toxicity of C9orf72 repeat expansions in FTD and ALS".
- New NINDS Award: Bassell Lab Receives NINDS Funding for Work on Myotonic Dystrophy
Prior Years' Cell Biology News
- Dr. Dorothy Lerit Publishes Paper in Genetics
- Dr. Maureen Powers Received the Hidden Gems Award
- Dr. Criss Hartzell Publishes Paper in PNAS
- Dr. David Katz Awarded the Escher Prize in Germ Cell Exposures
- Dr. Andrew Kowalczyk Appointed Vice President-elect (2019-2020) and will be Vice President (2020-2021) of the Society for Investigative Dermatology
- Dr. Ken Moberg Publishes Paper in Current Biology
- Dr. Matt Rowan Receives AUTIFONY THERAPEUTICS LTD Grant
- Dr. Victor Faundez Publishes Paper in Journal of Neuroscience
- Dr. Gary Bassell Appointed to Editorial Board of Cell Reports
- Dr. Gary Bassell Publishes Paper in Cell Reports
- Dr. Criss Hartzell named 2018 AAAS Fellow
- Bassell Lab Research is Highlighted in Spectrum News
- Dr. Gary Bassell Publishes Paper in Neuropsychopharmacology and highlighted in EurekAlert
- Dr. Victor Faundez Publishes Paper in Cell Systems and highlighted in The Scientist
- Dr. Win Sale Publishes Paper in Molecular Biology of the Cell
- Dr. Win Sale Publishes Paper in PLOS Genetics
- Dr. Hyojung Choo Receives Woodruff Scholar Early Independence Award
- Dr. Hyojung Choo Receives NIH Award
- Dr. David J. Katz Publishes Paper in Nature Communications
- Dr. Maureen Powers Awarded Pilot grant through Winship Invest
- Dr. James Zheng Receives a Competing Renewal of Long-Standing (20th year) NIH R01 Award
- Emory Stem Cell Core Becomes newest member of EICF
- Dr. Ken Moberg Receives the 2017 SOM Dean's Teaching Award
- Dr. Gary Bassell Publishes paper in Cell Reports
- Dr. Ken Moberg Publishes paper in Cell Reports
- Congrats to Dr. James Zheng on an awesome paper in JCB
- Dr. Wilfried Rossoll Publishes Paper in Cell Reports
- Dr. Dorothy Lerit Publishes Paper in Cell Reports
- Dr. Kenneth Moberg is Appointed to NIH Study Section
- Dr. Gary Bassell Received the Emory 1% Award for His Top 1 Percentile Score on an "NIH R01 Grant" proposal
- Dr. Victor Faundez Became an Honorary Inductee into the Sir William Osler Society, Emory University School of Medicine (Teaching Award)
- Dr. James Zheng Appointed to the NDPR Study Section
- Bassell and Rossoll Labs Publish Paper in The Journal of Neuroscience
- Dr. Alexa Mattheyses Receives Five Year NSF Career Development Award
- Dr. David Katz Publishes Paper in ELife
- Bassell and Warren Labs Publish Paper in PNAS
- Dr. Maureen Powers Received the Dean's Teaching Award for 2015
- Dr. Gary Bassell Named Chair of Cell Biology
- Dr. Andrew Kowalczyk Promoted to Professor
- Fragile X Syndrome: Building a Case for a Treatment Strategy
- Dr. Andrew Kowalczyk received the Dean's Teaching Award for 2014