The Department of Cell Biology announced The Win Sale Graduate Student Travel Awards for BCDB students. Travel awards in the amount $1000 each are available for BCDB graduate students working in the lab of a Cell Biology faculty member. The travel support would be to attend ASCB or other cell biology focused conferences. Funding is anticipated to cover a total of ten awards over the next few years.
The travel award is made possible by the generation donation of Dr. Elizabeth Smith, Professor and Dean at Dartmouth. Dr. Smith was Win Sale's first graduate student in his lab at Emory. She was an invited speaker at the symposium in honor of Win Sale that in April 2022.
Dr. Smith was a very successful student at Emory which included first author papers in Science and JCB. Prior to coming to graduate school at Emory, she received a B.S. at neighboring Agnes Scott College. She indicated her motivation for this generous gift:
"My rationale for this gift is that in my first year in Win’s lab, having barely started and with no poster, he took me to ASCB. It was an eye-popping experience and inspired me as a student," said Dr. Smith.
In April 2022, Cell Biology held a symposium, "A Life in Cell Biology Over Four Decades," to honor Dr. Winfield S. Sale, Professor Emeritus and former department chair, who retired after 41 years at Emory. The Symposium included speakers from Emory and other institutions celebrating his legacy.