Health, Social and Legal Outcomes of Individuals with Diagnosed or at Risk for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Drug and Alcohol Dependence - 12/23/20
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a leading cause of lifelong developmental and physical disabilities and behavioural problems. This study describes the characteristics of individuals diagnosed with or at risk for FASD in British Columbia, Canada.
Infant Opioid Withdrawal Therapy Varies By Treatment Site
NIH - 12/22/20
Medical care for newborn infants who were exposed to opioids in the womb varied widely across 30 hospitals nationwide, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. The study authors say that the findings underscore the need for clinical trials to determine the most effective treatments.
Tips to Help Women Plan for a Healthy Pregnancy and Baby in the New Year
March of Dimes/CDC - 12/15/2020
March of Dimes, the leading nonprofit fighting for the health of all moms and babies, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) are partnering to raise awareness of the actions women can take to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, just in time for National Birth Defects Prevention Month in January 2021.
Flu Shots for Expectant Moms
Maternal vaccination is important to protect both mom and baby. If you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, ask your health care provider about when you should get your vaccines, including the flu and whooping cough vaccines, to avoid complications of these infections, such as hospitalization and death.
NEW Move Your Way® Materials Emphasize Importance of Physical Activity During and After Pregnancy
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), in collaboration with the Office on Women’s Health (OWH), released new Move Your Way® resources to support women during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
New Plans and a Partnership to Reduce US Pregnancy-Related Deaths
Approximately 700 women die each year in the United States as a result of pregnancy-related complications. In addition, every year more than 25,000 women suffer unintended outcomes of labor and delivery that can result in significant short- or long-term consequences to their health.
Evaluating Definitions of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
National estimates indicate that the incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), a postnatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, increased more than fivefold between 2004 and 2016.
NIAAA 50th Anniversary Science Symposium (Day 2) - Evidence-Based Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment Research
NIAAA 50th Anniversary Science Symposium (Day 1) - Evidence-Based Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment Research
Hospitals Practicing Breastfeeding during COVID
Breastfeeding has health benefits for both infants and mothers and is recommended by numerous health and medical organizations.
The MATernaL and Infant NetworK to Understand Outcomes Associated with Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder During Pregnancy
Journal of Women’s health-11/23/20
Pregnant women with opioid use disorder (OUD) are at risk of overdose, infectious diseases, and inadequate prenatal care.
Mental Health-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Children Aged <18 Years During COVID-19
Beginning in April 2020, the proportion of children’s mental health–related ED visits among all pediatric ED visits increased and remained elevated through October.
Incorporating Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention into Practice
Risky alcohol use, defined as any level of alcohol consumption which increases the risk of harm to oneself or others, is both a substance use disorder and a medical issue.1 Recognized as one of the leading preventable causes of death, risky alcohol use leads to more than 95,000 deaths each year in the United States.
Characteristics of Symptomatic Women of Reproductive Age with COVID-19
Pregnant women should be counseled about the risk for severe COVID-19–associated illness including death; measures to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 should be emphasized for pregnant women and their families.
Birth and Infant outcomes of pregnant women with COVID-19
Pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection are at increased risk for severe illness compared with nonpregnant women. Adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth and pregnancy loss have been reported.
Caring for Women with Opioid Use Disorder: A Toolkit for Organization Leaders and Providers
Interview with Bill Dunty, PhD, NIAAA FASD Research Coordinator and Program Director
Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome
The opioid crisis has grown to affect pregnant women and infants across the United States, as evidenced by rising rates of opioid use disorder among pregnant women and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome among infants.
New clinical report updates issues around neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome
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Long-Term Outcomes Following Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis in Adulthood
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities-10/21/2020
Early diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is known to improve outcomes in children. It is less clear if diagnosis in adulthood also conveys benefits. This study investigated long-term outcomes for individuals diagnosed with FASD after 18 years of age.
Pain Medicine During Pregnancy and Birth Defects
FDA - 10/15/2020
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today in a Drug Safety Communication that it is requiring labeling changes for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The Effects of Prenatal Cigarette and E-Cigarette Exposure on Infant Neurobehavior
The Lancet - 10/15/20
Infant neurobehaviour provides an insight into the development of the central nervous system during infancy, with behavioural abnormalities highlighting a cause for concern.
Stress, Pregnancy and a Pandemic: When You Have Anxiety About Having Anxiety
MothertoBaby - 10/9/20
Sometimes we have anxiety about…well, having anxiety. Kristen contacted MotherToBaby and was asking about ways to manage her already extremely high anxiety around pregnancy and birth during the pandemic.
Advances in Research on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
NIAAA Spectrum – 9/28/2020
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are the broad range of neurodevelopmental and physical effects that result from prenatal exposure to alcohol.
What is Recovery?
Alcohol Research – 9/20/2020
Alcohol use is associated with tremendous social and economic costs and contributes to 5% of the global disease burden.
E-cigarette Use Among Middle and High School Students
CDC – 9/19/2020
The use of any tobacco product by youths is unsafe, including electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive, can harm the developing adolescent brain, and can increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.
The Role of Stress, Trauma and Negative Affect in Alcohol Misuse and Alcohol Use Disorder in Women
Alcohol Research - 8/20/2020
There has been a global increase in alcohol misuse and rates of alcohol use disorder (AUD) over the last two decades. Recent substantial increases in the United States come from dramatic rises in the prevalence of alcohol misuse and AUD in women relative to men.
Characteristics of Women of Reproductive Age with Laboratory-Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Pregnancy Status
CDC - 6/26/2020
Pregnant women might be at increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness. To reduce severe COVID-19–associated illness, pregnant women should be aware of their potential risk for severe COVID-19 illness.
Alcohol’s Effects on Breast Cancer in Women
NIAAA - 6/18/2020
Globally, more than 2 million new cases of breast cancer are reported annually. The United States alone has more than 496,000 new cases every year.
Welcome to the Redesigned NIDA Website
NIDA - 6/18/2020
NIDA invites you to visit the enhanced Find up-to-date, science-based information on addiction science research on NIDA’s redesigned website. The site offers resources for researchers, clinicians, educators, and the public—all grounded in the latest scientific research findings.
12 Myths About Your Hangover
WebMD - 6/19/2020
Heavy drinking rocks the central nervous system. It tinkers with brain chemicals -- leading to headache, dizziness, and nausea -- and sends you running to the bathroom so often you become dehydrated. The morning-after price can include a pounding headache, fatigue, cotton mouth, queasy stomach -- and a weakened immune system.
New For You: A Digital Safe Sleep Environment
NIH - 6/15/2020
October is SIDS Awareness Month and we encourage supporting the efforts of the national Safe to Sleep campaign to raise awareness.
Pregnancy and Protests: Tear Gas, Pepper Spray & Other Worries
MotherToBaby - 6/12/2020
Protests happening in many cities in the United States right now are resulting in some exposure to riot control agents such as tear gas and pepper spray. Even if women who know they are pregnant do not participate in a protest, about 50% of pregnancies in the US are unplanned. This means some women who are participating in the protests may not even know they are pregnant at the time of exposure.
Improving Pregnancy Outcomes for African American Women
CDC - 4/14/2020
Each year in the United States, about 700 women die during pregnancy or in the year after. Every pregnancy-related death is tragic, especially because most are preventable.
NIDA Director Outlines Potential Risks to People Who Smoke and Use Drugs During COVID-19 Pandemic
NIH - 4/2/2020
The precarious intersection of the COVID-19 national health emergency and the concurrent epidemic of drug overdose deaths is outlined in the Annals of Internal Medicine this week by Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health.
COVID-19 Remote Learning Tips to Support Children with FASD (PDF)
Emory MSACD - 4/1/2020
Schools closing and classes taught remotely because of COVID-19 are new experiences for children, families and schools, and can be challenging. With patience, flexibility and communication, children, families and schools can make remote learning work. Understanding what to expect and how to support your child with FASD may help with these school challenges.
Living with FASDs: Brenna
CDC - 3/30/2020
Heather and her husband Jason adopted Brenna and her three siblings from foster care. Weighing just 4 pounds and 13 ounces at birth, Brenna was so small that she came home wearing a doll’s clothes.
Screening for Alcohol Abuse and Brief Counseling of Adults
CDC - 3/13/2020
Binge drinking increases the risk for adverse health conditions and death. Alcohol screening and brief intervention (SBI), recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) for all adults in primary care, is effective in reducing binge drinking.
Newer Anti-HIV Drugs Safest, Most Affective During Pregnancy
NIH - 3/11/2020
The antiretroviral drugs dolutegravir and emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (DTG+FTC/TAF) may comprise the safest and most effective HIV treatment regimen currently available during pregnancy, researchers announced today.
Vaping/E-Cig Risks
Medical Association of Georgia - 3/2/2020
The latest episode of the Medical Association of Georgia’s (MAG) ‘Top Docs’ show addresses the health risks associated with vaping and smoking e-cigarettes.
Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy and Six-Month Infant Development
Science Direct - 2/5/2020
Despite recommendations by professional organizations that all pregnant women receive inactivated influenza vaccine, safety concerns remain a barrier.
Homicide is a Leading Cause of Pregnancy-Associated Death in Louisiana
NIH - 2/3/2020
Homicide is a leading cause of death among pregnant and postpartum women in Louisiana, according to an analysis of birth and death records from 2016 and 2017.
Combined Prenatal Smoking and Drinking Greatly Increases SIDS Risk
CDC - 1/21/2020
Children born to mothers who both drank and smoked beyond the first trimester of pregnancy have a 12-fold increased risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) compared to those unexposed or only exposed in the first trimester of pregnancy, according to a new study supported by the National Institutes of Health.
Alcohol-Related Deaths Increasing in the United States
CDC - 1/10/2020
An analysis of U.S. death certificate data by researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health, found that nearly 1 million people died from alcohol-related causes between 1999 and 2017.
January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month
CDC - 1/1/2020
January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month. Join the nationwide effort to raise awareness of birth defects, their causes, and their impact! Not all birth defects can be prevented. But you can increase your chances of having a healthy baby by managing health conditions and by adopting healthy behaviors before and during pregnancy.