Millians, M.N. (2023). Educating School-Aged Children with FASD. In: Abdul-Rahman OA, Petrenko CLM. (eds) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Springer, Cham.
Shapiro ZR, Kable, JA, Grant T, Stoner S, Coles CD. Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Cognition at Midlife: Evidence of Fluid Cognition Deficits in Two Cohorts. Submitted to Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, accepted 8.13.23.
Coles, CD, Bandoli, G, Kable, JA, del Campo, M, Suttie, M, & Chambers, CD. (2023) Comparison of three systems for the diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a community sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47 (2) 370-381, [PMID: 36521847]
Kable, JA & Jones, KL. (2023). Identifying Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Children Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Review of Biomarkers and Screening Tools, Alcohol Review, 43(1):03 doi: [PMID: 37260694]
Bowers, PT, Kable, JA, Millians, MN, & Coles, CD. (2023) Co-Exposures affecting childhood behavioral outcomes: Prenatal exposure to substances of abuse and early trauma. Child Welfare, 101 (2).
Bandoli G, Coles CD, Kable JA, Jones KL, Kelker E, Wertelecki W, Yevtushok L, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Granovska I, Plotka L, Chambers CD, and the CIFASD (2022) Alcohol-related dysmorphic features as predictors of neurodevelopmental delay in infants and preschool-aged children: Results from a birth cohort in Ukraine. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research
Bernes GA, Courchesne N., Hyland MT, Villodas MT, Coles CD, Kable JA, May PA, Kalberg WO, Sowell ER, Wozniak JR, Jones KL, Riley EP, Mattson SN & the CIFASD. (2022). Development and validation of a postnatal risk score that identifies children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research. 46(1):52-65. doi: 10.1111/acer.14749. Epub 2021 Dec 2. [PMID: 34806190]
Coles CD, Grant T, Kable JA, Stoner S, Perez A, & the CIFASD (2022). Prenatal alcohol exposure and mental health at midlife: A preliminary report on two longitudinal cohorts. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46, 232-242. [PMID: 35157325]
Kable JA, Coles CD, Keen CL, Uriu-Adams JY, Jones KL, Yevtushok L, Kulikovsky Y, Wertelecki W, Pedersen TL, Chambers CD. & the CIFASD. (2022) The impact of micronutrient supplementation in alcohol-exposed pregnancies on reaction time responses in Ukrainian preschoolers. Alcohol, 99, 49-58. [PMID: 34942330]
Bandoli G, Kable JA, Coles CD, del Campo M, Suttie M, & Chambers CD. (2022) Trajectories of prenatal alcohol exposure and neurobehavioral outcomes: findings from a community-based sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 233:109351 (1-8). doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109351. Epub 2022 Feb 11. [PMID: 35228080]
Kable JA, Coles CD, Holton JE, Kalberg WO, Zellner J, Feldman H, Hasken JM, Hoyme HE, Jones KL, May PA, & Chambers CD, (2022) Characteristics of the symptoms of the proposed ND-PAE disorder in first grade children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, https:/ /doi.org/10.1007 /sl 0578-022-01414-8. [PMID: 36042156]
Montag AC, Jones KL, Campo Md, Akshoomoff N, Coles CD, Kable JA, Hernandez J, Honerkamp-Smith G, & Chambers CD (2022) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Access to Regional Center Services in San Diego County, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46 (10), 1857-1864. [PMID: 36059261]
Ritfeld GJ, Kable JA, Holton JE, & Coles CD. (2022). Effectiveness of psychotropic medications in children with prenatal alcohol and drug exposures: A case series and model of care. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, doi: 10.1007/s10578-022-01451-3. [PMID: 36183050]
Bandoli G, Coles CD, Kable JA, Jones KL Delker E, Wertelecki W, Yevtushok L, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Granovska I, Plotka L, Chambers CD & the CIFASD. (2022) Alcohol-related dysmorphic features as predictors of neurodevelopmental delay in infants and preschool-aged children: results from a birth cohort in Ukraine. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46:2236–2244. DOI: 10.1111/acer.14966. [PMID: 36308058]
Kable JA, Mehta PK, Rashid F, & Coles CD. (2022) Path analysis of the impact of prenatal alcohol on adult vascular function. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 47(1): 116-126,. doi: 10.1111/acer.14970. [PMID: 36330744]
Aguilar-Rivera M, Kable JA, Yevtushok L, Kulikovsky Y, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Dubchak I, Akhmedzhanova D, Wertelecki W, Chambers CD, & Coleman TP (2022). Wireless Heart Sensor for Capturing Cardiac Orienting Response for Prediction of Neurodevelopmental Delay in Infants. Sensors 22, 9140. [PMID: 36501842]
Reid N, Petrenko C, & Kable J, Carmichael-Olson H, & Crawford AA (2022) A family-directed approach for supporting individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Current Developmental Reports, 9, 9-18.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Keen CL, Uriu-Adams JY, Jones KL, Yevtushok L, Kulikovsky Y, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Dubchak I, Akhmedzhanova D, Wertelecki W, Chambers CD, and the CIFASD (2022) The impact of micronutrient supplementation in alcohol-exposed pregnancies on reaction time response of preschoolers in Ukraine. Alcohol, 88, 49-58.
Coles CD, Grant TM, Kable JA, Stoner SA, Perez A, and the CIFASD (2022) Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Mental Health at Midlife: A Preliminary Report on Two Longitudinal Cohorts. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 46 (2) 232-242 PMID: 35157325
Hocagil TA, Ryan LM, Cook RJ, Richardson GA, Day NL, Coles CD, Carmichael-Olson H, Jacobson SW, & Jacobson JL (2022) A hierarchical meta-analysis for settings involving multiple outcomes across multiple cohorts. Stat 11, e462.
Bernes GA, Courchesne N, Hyland MT, Villodas MT, Coles CD, Kable JA, May PA, Kalberg WO, Sowell ER, Wozniak JR, Jones KL, Riley EP, Matson SM, and the CIFASD (2022) Development of a postnatal risk score that identifies children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46(1), 52-65. PMID: 34806190
Bandoli G, Kable JA, Coles CD, del Campo M, Suttie M, & Chambers CD (2022) Trajectories of prenatal alcohol exposure and behavioral outcomes: Findings from a community based sample. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 233.
Ritfeld GJ, Kable JA, Coles CD (2022) Psychopharmacological treatment in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Review. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 53 (2), 268-277. PMID: 33502703
Kable JA, Coles CD, Holton JE, Kalberg WO, May PA, Chambers CD, & Bandoli G. (2022) Characteristics of the symptoms of the proposed ND-PAE disorder in first grade children in a community sample. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. August 2022. On line ahead of print.
Montag AC, Jones KL, Del Campo M, Akshoomoff N, Coles CD, Kable JA, Hernandez JG, Chambers CD (2022) Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and access to regional center services in San Diego County. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 46 (10), 1857-1864, doi: 10.1111/acer.14934. Epub 2022 Sep 14.PMID: 36059261
Ritfeld GJ, Kable JA, Holton JE, & Coles CD (2022) Effectiveness of psychotropic medications in children with prenatal alcohol and drug exposures: A case series and model of care. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, Oct 1. doi: 10.1007/s10578-022-01451-3. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36183050
Kable JA, Mehta PK, Rashid F, & Coles CD (2022) Path analysis of the impact of prenatal alcohol on adult vascular function. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, Online, November, 2022.
Bandoli G, Coles CD, Kable JA, Jones KL, Kelker E, Wertelecki W, Yevtushok L, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Granovska I, Plotka L, Chambers CD, and the CIFASD (2022) Alcohol-related dysmorphic features as predictors of neurodevelopmental delay in infants and preschool-aged children: Results from a birth cohort in Ukraine. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Ritfeld GJ, Kable JA, Holton JE & Coles CD. Pharmacological treatments in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A review. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 2021.
Bernes GA, Villodas M, Coles CD, Kable JA, May PA, et al. Validity and reliability of executive function measures in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure: correspondence between multiple raters and laboratory measures. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2021 Mar; 45(3): 596-607.
Kable JA, Mehta PK & Coles CD. Alterations in insulin levels in adults with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2021 Mar; 45(3): 500-506.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Jones KL, Yevtushok L, Kulikovsky Y, et al. Infant cardiac orienting responses predict later FASD in the preschool period. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2021 Feb; 45(2): 386-394.
Moore EM, Glass L, Infante MA, Coles CD, Kable JA, et al. Cross-sectional analysis of spatial working memory development in children with histories of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2021 Jan; 45(1): 215-223.
Morris AS, Wakschlag L, Krogh-Jespersen S, Fox N, Planalp B, et al. Principles for guiding the selection of early childhood neurodevelopmental risk and resilience measures: HEALthy Brain and child development study as an exemplar. Adversity and Resilience Science. 2020 Nov; 1: 247-267.
Beasley LO, Ciciolla L, Jespersen JE, Chiaf AL, Schmidt M, et al. Best practices for engaging pregnant and postpartum women at risk of substance use in longitudinal research studies: a qualitative examination of participant preferences. Adversity and Resilience Science. 2020 Oct; 1: 235-246.
Singer LT, Chambers C, Coles C & Kable J. Fifty years of research on prenatal substances: lessons learned for the opioid epidemic. Adversity and Resilience Science: Research and Practice. 2020 Oct; 1: 223-234.
Coles CD, Kalberg W, Kable JA, Tabachnick B, May PA, et al. Characterizing alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder: prenatal alcohol exposure and the spectrum of outcomes. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2020 Jun; 44(6): 1245-1260.
Sowell KD, Holt RR, Uriu-Adams JY, Chambers CD, Coles CD, et al. Altered maternal plasma fatty acid composition by alcohol consumption and smoking during pregnancy and associations with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2020 Apr; 39(3): 249-260.
Uban KA, Kan E, Wozniak JR, Mattson SN, Coles CD, et al. The relationship between socioeconomic status and brain volume in children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020 Apr; 14:85.
Bodnar TS, Raineki C, Wertelecki W, Yevtushok L, Plotka L, et al. Immune network dysregulation associated with child neurodevelopmental delay: modulatory role of prenatal alcohol exposure. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2020 Jan; 17(1): 39.
Kable JA, Coles CD & Mattson SN. Neurodevelopmental outcomes associated with prefrontal cortical deoxygenation in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Developmental Neuropsychology. 2020 Jan; 45(1): 1-16.
Chambers CD, Coles C, Kable J, Akshoomoff N, Xu R, et al. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a pacific southwest city: maternal and child characteristics. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2019 Dec; 43(12): 2578-2590.
Barry V, Lynch ME, Tran DQ, Antun A, DeBalsi A, et al. Exploring changes in distress among individuals with bleeding disorders: what is linked to improvements in distress? Journal of Health Psychology. 2019 Oct; 24(12): 1724-1733.
Cook JC, Lynch ME & Coles CD. Association analysis: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and hypertension status in children and adolescents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2019 Aug; 43(8): 1727-1733.
Li Z, Lei K, Coles CD, Lynch ME & Hu X. Longitudinal changes of amygdala functional connectivity in adolescents prenatally exposed to cocaine. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2019 Jul; 200(1): 50-58.
Coles CD, Kable JA, Granovska IV, Pashtepa AO, Plotka LD, et al. Gestational age and socioeconomic status as mediators for the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on development at 6 months. Birth Defects Research. 2019 Jul; 111(12): 789-796.
Doyle LR, Coles CD, Kable JA, May PA, Sowell ER, et al. Relation between adaptive function and IQ among youth with histories of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Birth Defects Research. 2019 Jul; 111(12): 812-821.
Doyle LR, Glass L, Wozniak JR, Kable JA, Riley EP, et al. Relation between oppositional/conduct behaviors and executive function among youth with histories of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2019 Jun; 43(6): 1135-1144.
Bandoli G, Coles CD, Kable JA, Wertelecki W, Yevtushok L, et al. Patterns of prenatal alcohol use that predict infant growth and development. Pediatrics. 2019 Feb; 143(2): e20182399.
Carlock G, Fischer ST, Lynch ME, Potter NL, Coles CD, et al. Developmental outcomes in Duarte Galactosemia. Pediatrics. 2019 Jan; 143(1): e20182516.
Barrett CE, Kable JA, Madsen TE, Hsu CC & Coles CD. The use of functional near-infrared spectroscopy to differentiate alcohol-related neurodevelopmental impairment. Developmental Neuropsychology. 2019 Jan; 44(2): 203-219.
Doyle LR, Moore EM, Coles CD, Kable JA, Sowell ER, et al. Executive functioning correlates with communication ability in youth with histories of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2018 Nov; 24(10): 1026-1037.
Bodnar TS, Raineki C, Wertelecki W, Yevtushok L, Plotka L, et al. Altered maternal immune networks are associated with adverse child neurodevelopment: impact of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2018 Oct; 73: 205-215.
Suttie M, Wozniak JR, Parnell SE, Wetherill L, Mattson SN, et al. Combined face-brain morphology and associated neurocognitive correlates in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2018 Sep; 42(9): 1769-1782.
Coles CD, Kable JA, Taddeo E, & Stickland D. GoFAR: Improving attention, behavior and adaptive function in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: brief report. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2018 Jul; 21(5): 345-349.
Kully-Martens K, Pei J, Kable J, Coles CD, Andrew G, et al. Mathematics intervention for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a replication and extension of the math interactive learning experience (MILE) program. Research in Development Disabilities. 2018 Jul; 78: 55-65.
Gross LA, Moore EM, Wozniak JR, Coles CD, Kable JA, et al. Neural correlates of verbal memory in youth with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2018 Jun; 12: 806-822.
Sowell KD, Uriu-Adams JY, Van de Water J, Chambers CD, Coles CD, et al. Implications of altered maternal cytokine concentrations on infant outcomes in children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcohol. 2018 May; 68: 49-58.
Hendrickson TJ, Mueller BA, Sowell ER, Mattson SN, Coles CD, et al. Two-year cortical trajectories are abnormal in children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 2018 Apr; 30: 123-133.
Kable JA & Coles CD. Evidence supporting the internal validity of the proposed ND-PAE disorder. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. Apr 2018; 49: 163-175.
May PA, Chambers CD, Kalberg WO, Zellner J, Feldman H, et al. Prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is 4 US communities. JAMA. 2018 Feb; 319(5): 474-483.
Hendrickson TJ, Mueller BA, Sowell ER, Mattson SN, Coles CD, et al. Cortical gyrification is abnormal in children with prenatal alcohol exposure. NeuroImage: Clinical. 2017; 15: 391-400.
Foley K. Association Between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Asthma in Children. [master's thesis]. Atlanta, GA: Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health; 2017.
Kable JA, Coles CD & CIFASD. Prefrontal cortical responses in children with prenatal alcohol-related neurodevelopmental impairment: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2017 Nov; 128(11): 2099-2109.
Lynch ME, Kable JA & Coles CD. Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure in a prospective sample of young adults: mental health, substance use, and difficulties with the legal system. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2017 Nov; 64: 50-62.
Wozniak JR, Mueller BA, Mattson SN, Coles CD, Kable JA, et al. Functional connectivity abnormalities and associated cognitive deficits in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2017 Oct; 11(5): 1432-1445.
Suttie M, Wetherill L, Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL, Hoyme HE, et al. Facial curvature detects and explicates ethnic difference in effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2017 Aug; 41(8): 1471-1483.
Kable JA & Mukherjee RAS. Neurodevelopmental disorder associated with prenatal exposure to alcohol (ND-PAE): a proposed diagnostic method of capturing the neurocognitive phenotype of FASD. European Journal of Medical Genetics. 2017 Jan; 60(1): 49-54.
Mesa DA, Kable JA, Coles CD, Jones KL, Yevtushok L, et al. The use of cardiac orienting responses as an early and scalable biomarker of alcohol-related neurodevelopmental impairment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2017 Jan; 41(1): 128-138.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Jones KL, Yevtushok L, Kulikovsky Y, et al. Cardiac orienting responses differentiate the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure in Ukrainian toddlers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2016 Nov; 40(11): 2377-2384.
Shisler S, Eiden RD, Molnar DS, Schuetze P, Coles CD, et al. Effects of fetal tobacco exposure on focused attention in infancy. Infant Behavior and Development. 2016 Nov; 45(Pt A): 1-10.
Goh PK, Doyle LR, Glass L, Jones KL, Riley EP, et al. A decision tree to identify children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. Journal of Pediatrics. 2016 Oct; 177:121-127.e1.
Hagan JF, Balachova T, Bertrand J, Chasnoff I, Dang E, et al. Neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. Pediatrics. 2016 Oct; 138(4): e20151553.
Hoyme HE & Coles CD. Alcohol-related neurobehavioral disabilities: need for further definition and common terminology. Pediatrics. 2016 Oct; 138(4): e20161999.
Panczakiewicz AL, Glass L, Coles CD, Kable JA, Sowell ER, et al. Neurobehavioral deficits consistent across age and sex in youth with prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2016 Sep; 40(9): 1971-1981.
Hoyme HE, Kalberg WO, Elliott AJ, Blankenship J, Buckley D, et al. Updated clinical guidelines for diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Pediatrics. 2016 Aug; 138(2): e20154256.
Bandoli G, Coles CD, Kable JA, Wertelecki W, Granovska IV, et al. Assessing the independent and joint effects of unmedicated prenatal depressive symptoms and alcohol consumption in pregnancy and infant neurodevelopmental outcomes. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2016 Jun; 40(6): 1304-1311.
Coles CD, Gailey AR, Mulle JG, Kable JA, Lynch ME, et al. A comparison among 5 methods for the clinical diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2016 May; 40(5): 1000-1009.
Kable JA, O'Connor MJ, Olson HC, Paley B, Mattson SN, et al. Neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE): proposed DSM-5 diagnosis. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. 2016 Apr; 47(2): 335-346.
Connolly SC, Millians M, Peterman R, & Shillingsburg MA. The clinical application of applied behavior analysis in a child with partial fetal alcohol syndrome: a case study. Clinical Case Studies. 2016 Feb; 15(3): 225-242.
Kable JA, Taddeo E, Strickland D & Coles CD. Improving FASD children's self-regulation: piloting phase 1 of the GoFAR intervention. Child and Family Behavior Therapy. 2016; 38(2): 124-141.
Li Z, Coles CD, Lynch ME, Luo Y & Hu X. Longitudinal changes of amygdala and default mode activation in adolescents prenatally exposed to cocaine. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2016; 53: 24-32.
Coles CD, Kable JA, Keen CL, Jones KL, Wertelecki W, et al. Dose and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and maternal nutritional supplements: developmental effects on 6-month-old infants. Maternal and Child Health. 2015 Dec; 19(12): 2605-2614.
Barry V, Lynch ME, Tran DQ, Antun A, DeBalsi A, et al. Distress in patients with bleeding disorders: a single institutional cross-sectional study. Haemophilia. 2015 Nov; 21(6): e456-e464.
Coles CD, Kable JA, Taddeo E & Strickland DC. A metacognitive strategy for reducing disruptive behavior in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: GoFAR pilot. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2015 Nov; 39(11): 2224-2233.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Keen CL, Uriu-Adams JY, Jones KL, et al. The impact of micronutrient supplementation in alcohol-exposed pregnancies on information processing skills in Ukrainian infants. Alcohol. 2015 Nov; 49(7): 647-656.
Lv J, Jiang X, Li X, Zhu D, Zhao S, et al. Assessing effects of prenatal alcohol exposure using group-wise sparse representation of fMRI data. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2015 Aug; 233(2): 254-268.
Kable JA, Taddeo E, Strickland D & Coles CD. Community translation of the math interactive learning experience program for children with FASD. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2015 Apr; 39: 1-11.
Lynch ME, Kable JA & Coles CD. Prenatal alcohol exposure, adaptive function, and entry into adult roles in a prospective study of young adults. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2015; 51: 52-60.
Lynch ME, Potter NL, Coles CD & Fridovich-Keil JL. Developmental outcomes of school-age children with Duarte Galactosemia: a pilot study. JIMD Reports. 2015; 19: 75-84.
Millians MN. Educational needs and care of children with FASD. Current Developmental Disorders Reports. 2015; 2: 210-218.
Kable JA, Reynolds JN, Valenzuela CF & Medina AE. Proceedings of the 2013 annual meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group. Alcohol. 2014 Nov; 48(7): 623-630.
Nguyen TT, Glass L, Coles CD, Kable JA, May PA, et al. The clinical utility and specificity of parent report of executive function among children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2014 Aug; 20(7): 704-716.
Ware AL, Glass L, Crocker N, Deweese BN, Coles CD, et al. Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on adaptive functioning. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2014 May; 38(5): 1439-1447.
Eiden RD, Coles CD, Schuetze P & Colder CR. Externalizing behavior problems among polydrug cocaine-exposed children: indirect pathways via maternal harshness and self-regulation in early childhood. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2014 Mar; 28(1): 139-153.
Cook J. Association Analysis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Hypertension Status in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. [master's thesis]. Atlanta, GA: Georgia State University; 2014.
Millians MN & Coles CD. Case study: Saturday cognitive habilitation program for children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Psychology & Neuroscience. 2014; 7(2): 163-173.
Douglas TD, Ramakrishnan U, Kable JA & Singh RH. Longitudinal quality of life analysis in a phenylketonuria cohort provided sapropterin dihydrochloride. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2013 Dec; 11: 218.
Miranda RC, Kable J, Reynolds JN & Valenzuela CF. A report on the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group meeting of 2012, theme title, "Biomarkers for FASD". Alcohol. 2013 Dec; 47(8): 583-587.
Glass L, Ware AL, Crocker N, Deweese BN, Coles CD, et al. Neuropsychological deficits associated with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure are not exacerbated by ADHD. Neuropsychology. 2013 Nov; 27(6): 713-724.
Ryan EL, Lynch ME, Taddeo E, Gleason TJ, Epstein MP, et al. Cryptic residual GALT activity is a potential modifier of scholastic outcome in school age children with classic galactosemia. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 2013 Nov; 36(6): 1049-1061.
Li K, Zhu D, Guo L, Li Z, Lynch ME, et al. Connectomics signatures of prenatal cocaine exposure affected adolescent brains. Human Brain Mapping. 2013 Oct; 34(10): 2494-2510.
Li Z, Santhanam P, Coles CD, Lynch ME, Hamann S, et al. Prenatal cocaine exposure alters functional activation in ventral prefrontal cortex and its structural connectivity with amygdala. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2013 Jul; 213(1): 47-55.
Ware AL, O'Brien JW, Crocker N, Deweese BN, Roesch SC, et al. The effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on psychopathology and behavior. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2013 May; 37(3): 507-516.
Mattson SN, Roesch SC, Glass L, Deweese BN, Coles CD, et al. Further development of a neurobehavioral profile of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2013 Mar; 37(3): 517-528.
Graham DM, Crocker N, Deweese BN, Roesch SC, Coles CD, et al. Prenatal alcohol exposure, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and sluggish cognitive tempo. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2013 Jan; 37(Suppl 1): E338-E346.
Ware AL, Crocker N, O'Brien JW, Deweese BN, Roesch SC, et al. Executive function predicts adaptive behavior in children with histories of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2012 Aug; 36(8): 1431-1441.
Chen X, Coles CD, Lynch ME & Hu X. Understanding specific effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on brain structure in young adults. Human Brain Mapping. 2012 Jul; 33(7): 1663-1676.
Cyrus A, Street N, Quary S, Kable J, Kenneson A, et al. Clinic-based infant screening for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a feasibility study. PLoS Currents Muscular Dystrophy. 2012 May; Edition 1.
Kane CJM, Smith SM, Miranda RC & Kable J. Proceedings of the 2010 annual meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group. Alcohol. 2012 Feb; 46(1): 107-114.
Coles CD, Kable JA & Lynch ME. Examination of gender differences in effects of tobacco exposure. In: Lewis M, Kestler L, eds. Gender Differences in Prenatal Substance Exposure, Decade of Behavior. American Psychological Association; 2012; 18:99-120.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Strickland D & Taddeo E. Comparing the effectiveness of on-line versus in-person caregiver education and training for behavioral regulation in families of children with FASD. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2012; 10(6): 791-803.
Yi SHL, Kable JA, Evatt ML & Singh RH. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of supplemental docosahexaenoic acid on cognitive processing speed and executive function in females of reproductive age with phenylkethonuria: a pilot study. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids. 2011 Dec; 85(6): 317-327.
Lynch ME, Johnson KC, Kable JA, Carroll J & Coles CD. Smoking and pregnancy and parenting stress: maternal psychological symptoms and socioeconomic status as potential mediating variables. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2011 Jul; 13(7): 532-539.
Coles CD & Li Z. Functional neuroimaging in the examination of effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. Neuropsychological Review. 2011 Jun; 21(2): 119-132.
Li Z, Santhanam P, Coles CD, Lynch ME, Hamann S, et al. Increased "default mode" activity in adolescents prenatally exposed to cocaine. Human Brain Mapping. 2011 May; 32(5): 759-770.
Yi SHL, Kable JA, Evatt ML & Singh RH. A cross-sectional study of docosahexaenoic acid status and cognitive outcomes in females of reproductive age with phenylketonuria. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 2011 Apr; 34(2): 455-463.
Coles CD, Goldstein FC, Lynch ME, Chen Z, Kable JA, et al. Memory and brain volume in adults prenatally exposed to alcohol. Brain and Cognition. 2011 Feb; 75(1): 67-77.
Coles CD. Discriminating the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure from other behavioral and learning disorders. Alcohol Research & Health. 2011; 34(1): 42-50.
Coles CD, Taddeo E & Millians M. Innovative educational interventions with school-aged children affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). In: Adubato SA, Cohen DE, eds. Prenatal Alcohol Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Diagnosis, Assessment and new Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment. Bentham Science Publishers; 2011: 108-126.
Drews-Botsch C, Schieve LA, Kable J & Coles C. Socioeconomic differences and the impact of being small for gestational age on neurodevelopment among preschool-aged children. Reviews on Environmental Health. 2011; 26(3): 221-229.
Eiden RD, Schuetze P & Coles CD. Maternal cocaine use and mother-infant interactions: direct and moderated associations. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2011; 33(1): 120-128.
Gauthier TW, Brown LAS, Burwell L, Kable JA & Coles CD. Tobacco induced severe oxidation of plasma cysteine redox in post-partum females. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. 2011; 4(2): 119-125.
Deshpande G, Li Z, Santhanam P, Coles CD, Lynch ME, et al. Recursive cluster elimination based support vector machine for disease state prediction using resting state functional and effective brain connectivity. PLoS One. 2010 Dec; 5(12): e14277.
Tsai J, Floyd RL, Green PP, Denny CH, Coles CD, et al. Concurrent alcohol use or heavier use of alcohol and cigarette smoking among women of childbearing age with accessible health care. Prevention Science. 2010 Jun; 11(2): 197-206.
Coles CD, Lynch ME, Kable JA, Johnson KC & Goldstein FC. Verbal and nonverbal memory in adults prenatally exposed to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2010 Apr; 34(5): 897-906.
Gauthier TW, Kable JA, Burwell L, Coles CD & Brown LAS. Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy causes systemic oxidation of the glutathione redox system. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2010 Jan; 34(1):123-130.
Mattson SN, Foroud T, Sowell ER, Jones KL, Coles CD, et al. Collaborative initiative on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: methodology of clinical projects. Alcohol. 2010; 44(7-8): 635-641.
Santhanam P, Li Z, Hu X, Lynch ME & Coles CD. Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on brain activation during an arithmetic task: an fMRI study. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2009 Nov; 33(11): 1901-1908.
Li L, Coles CD, Lynch ME & Hu X. Voxelwise and skeleton-based region of interest analysis of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in young adults. Human Brain Mapping. 2009 Mar; 30(10): 3265-3274.
Coles CD, Kable JA & Taddeo E. Math performance and behavior problems in children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure: intervention and follow-up. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 2009 Feb; 30(1): 7-15.
Bertrand J on behalf of the Interventions for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research Consortium. Interventions for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs): overview of findings for five innovative research projects. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2009; 30(5): 986-1006.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Lynch ME & Carroll J. The impact of maternal smoking on fast auditory brainstem responses. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2009; 31(4): 216-224.
Li Z, Coles CD, Lynch ME, Hamann S, Peltier S, et al. Prenatal cocaine exposure alters emotional arousal regulation and its effects on working memory. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2009; 31(6): 342-348.
Berg JP, Lynch ME & Coles CD. Increased mortality among women who drank alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol. 2008 Nov; 42(7): 603-610.
Kable JA, Coles CD, Lynch ME & Platzman K. Physiological responses to social and cognitive challenges in 8-year-olds with a history of prenatal cocaine exposure. Developmental Psychobiology. 2008 Apr; 50(3): 251-265.
Li Z, Coles CD, Lynch ME, Ma X, Peltier S, et al. Occipital-temporal reduction and sustained visual attention deficit in prenatal alcohol exposed adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2008; 2(1): 39-48.
Strickland DC, McAllister D, Coles CD & Osborne S. An evolution of virtual reality training designs for children with autism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Topics in Language Disorders. 2007 Jul; 27(3): 226-241.
Kable JA, Coles CD & Taddeo E. Socio-cognitive habilitation using the math interactive learning experience program for alcohol-affected children. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2007 Aug; 31(8): 1425-1434.
Schuetze P, Eiden RD & Coles CD. Prenatal cocaine and other substance exposure: effects on infant autonomic regulation at 7 months of age. Developmental Psychobiology. 2007 Mar; 49(3): 276-289.
Coles CD, Strickland DC, Padgett L & Bellmoff L. Games that "work": using computer games to teach alcohol-affected children about fire and street safety. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2007; 28(5): 518-530.
Riley EP, Mattson SN, Li TK, Jacobson SW, Coles CD, et al. Neurobehavioral consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure: an international perspective. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2006 May; 27(2): 362-373.
Howell KK, Lynch ME, Platzman KA, Smith GH & Coles CD. Prenatal alcohol exposure and ability, academic achievement, and school functioning in adolescence: a longitudinal follow-up. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2006; 31(1): 116-126.
Padgett LS, Strickland D & Coles CD. Case study: using a virtual reality computer game to teach fire safety skills to children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2006; 31(1): 65-70.
Ma X, Coles CD, Lynch ME, LaConte SM, Zurkiya O, et al. Evaluation of corpus callosum anisotropy in young adults with fetal alcohol syndrome according to diffusion tensor imaging. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2005 Jul; 29(7): 1214-1222.
Brown JV, Bakeman R, Coles CD, Platzman KA & Lynch ME. Prenatal cocaine exposure: a comparison of 2-year-old children in parental and nonparental care. Child Development. 2004 Jul; 75(4): 1282-1295.
Kable JA & Coles CD. The impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on neurophysiological encoding of environmental events at six months. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 2004 Mar; 28(3): 489-496.
Howell KK, Coles CD & Kable JA. The medical and developmental consequences of prenatal drug exposure. In: Brick J, ed. Handbook of the Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Haworth Press Inc.; 2004; 18: 281-302.
Lynch ME, Coles CD, Corley T & Falek A. Examining delinquency in adolescents differentially prenatally exposed to alcohol: the role of proximal and distal risk factors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 2003 Sep; 64(5): 678-686.
Drews CD, Coles CD, Floyd RL & Falek A. Prevalence of prenatal drinking assessed at an urban public hospital and a suburban private hospital. Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2003 Feb; 13(2): 85-93.
Coles CD, Platzman KA, Lynch ME & Freides D. Auditory and visual sustained attention in adolescents prenatally exposed to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 2002 Feb; 26(2): 263-271.
Coles CD. Fetal alcohol exposure and attention: moving beyond ADHD. Alcohol Research & Health. 2001; 25(3):199-203.
Platzman KA, Coles CD, Lynch ME, Bard KA & Brown JV. Assessment of the caregiving environment and infant functioning in polydrug families: use of structured clinical interview. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2001; 22(3): 351-373.
Coles CD, Kable JA, Drews-Botsch C & Falek A. Early identification of risk for effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. Journal of Studies on Alcoholism. 2000 Jul; 61(4): 607-616.
Singh RH, Kable JA, Guerrero NV, Sullivan KM & Elsas LJ. Impact of a camp experience on phenylalanine levels, knowledge, attitudes, and health beliefs relevant to nutrition management of phenylketonuria in adolescent girls. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2000 Jul; 100(7): 797-803.
Bard KA, Coles CD, Platzman KA & Lynch ME. The effects of prenatal drug exposure, term status, and caregiving on arousal and arousal modulation in 8-week-old infants. Developmental Psychobiology. 2000 Apr; 36(3): 194-212.
Coles CD, Bard KA, Platzman KA & Lynch ME. Attentional response at eight weeks in prenatally drug-exposed and preterm infants. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1999; 21(5): 527-537.
Brown JV, Bakeman R, Coles CD, Sexson WR & Demi AS. Maternal drug use during pregnancy: are preterm and full-term infants affected differently? Developmental Psychology. 1998; 34(3): 540-554.
Oleson DR, Magee RM, Donahoe RM, Falek A & Coles CD. Immunity and prenatal alcohol exposure. A pilot study in human adolescents. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1998; 437: 255-264.
Coles CD, Platzman KA, Raskind-Hood CL, Brown RT, Falek A, et al. A comparison of children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure and attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 1997 Feb; 21(1): 150-161.
Coles CD, Russell CL & Schuetze P. Maternal substance use: epidemiology, treatment outcome, and developmental effects: an annotated bibliography, 1995. Substance Use & Misuse. 1997; 32(2): 149-168.
Coles CD. Modeling the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. PsycCRITIQUES. 1996 Feb; 41(2): 145-146.
Zeskind PS, Platzman K, Coles CD & Schuetze PA. Cry analysis detects subclinical effects of prenatal alcohol exposure in newborn infants. Infant Behavior and Development. 1996; 19(4): 497-500.
Robinson MK, Myrick JE, Henderson LO, Coles CD, Powell MK, et al. Two-dimensional protein electrophoresis and multiple hypothesis testing to detect potential serum protein biomarkers in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Electrophoresis. 1995 Jul; 16(7): 1176-1183.
Coles CD. Critical periods for prenatal alcohol exposure: evidence from animal and human studies. Alcohol Health and Research World. 1994; 18(1): 22-29.
Coles CD & Platzman KA. Behavioral development in children prenatally exposed to drugs and alcohol. International Journal of the Addictions. 1993 Nov; 28(13): 1393-1433.
Coles CD. Impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on the newborn and the child. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1993 Jun; 36(2): 255-266.
Coles CD. Saying "goodbye" to the "crack baby." Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1993; 15(5): 290-292.
Smith IE, Dent DZ, Coles CD & Falek A. A comparison study of treated and untreated pregnant and postpartum cocaine-abusing women. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 1992 Sep; 9(4): 343-348.
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Coles CD. How the environment affects research on prenatal drug exposure: the laboratory and the community. NIDA Research Monograph. 1992; 117: 271-292.
Coles CD, Platzman KA, Smith I, James ME & Falek A. Effects of cocaine and alcohol use in pregnancy on neonatal growth and neurobehavioral status. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1992; 14(1): 23-33.
Platzman KA, Stoy MR, Brown RT, Coles CD, Smith IE, et al. Review of observational methods in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): implications for diagnosis. School Psychology Quarterly. 1992; 7(3): 155-177.
James ME & Coles CD. Cocaine abuse during pregnancy: psychiatric considerations. General Hospital Psychiatry. 1991 Nov; 13(6): 399-409.
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Coles CD, Brown RT, Smith IE, Platzman KA, Erickson S, et al. Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure at school age. I. Physical and cognitive development. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 1991; 13(4): 357-367.
Smith IE & Coles CD. Multilevel intervention for prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome and effects of prenatal alcohol exposure. Recent Developments in Alcoholism. 1991; 9: 165-180.
Smith IE, Moss-Wells S, Moeti R & Coles CD. Characteristics of non-referred cocaine abusing mothers. NIDA Research Monograph. 1989; 95:330.
Smith IE, Lancaster JS, Moss-Wells S, Coles CD & Falek A. Identifying high-risk pregnant drinkers: biological and behavioral correlates of continuous heavy drinking during pregnancy. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 1987 Jul; 48(4): 304-309.
Coles CD, Smith IE & Falek A. Prenatal alcohol exposure and infant behavior: immediate effects and implications for later development. Advances in Alcohol & Substance Abuse. 1987; 6(4): 87-104.
Coles CD, Smith IE, Lancaster JS & Falek A. Persistence over the first month of neurobehavioral differences in infants exposed to alcohol prenatally. Infant Behavior and Development. 1987; 10(1): 23-37.
Lancaster JS, Coles CD, Platzman KA, Smith IE & Falek A. Contributions of maternal alcohol, caffeine, and cigarette use to neonatal status. NIDA Research Monograph. 1987; 76: 275.
Smith IE, Coles CD, Lancaster J, Fernhoff PM & Falek A. The effect of volume and duration of prenatal ethanol exposure on neonatal physical and behavioral development. Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology. 1986; 8(4): 375-381.
Coles CD, Smith I, Fernhoff PM & Falek A. Neonatal neurobehavioral characteristics as correlates of maternal alcohol use during gestation. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 1985 Sep; 9(5): 454-460.
Coles CD, Smith IE, Fernhoff PM & Falek A. Neonatal ethanol withdrawal: characteristics in clinically normal, nondysmorphic neonates. Journal of Pediatrics. 1984 Sep; 105(3): 445-451.