Where are you from?
Washington, D.C.
Where did you go for undergrad?
The University of Georgia
Discuss your path to the Emory PA Program
After graduating from the University of Georgia in 2014, I moved to Houston, Texas to work as an Athletic Trainer. Texas had numerous top-ranked PA programs so I figured it would be the perfect place to gain my direct patient care experience and eventually transition to PA school. The athletes I worked with struggled with many socioeconomic factors that not only negatively affected their abilities to excel as athletes but also their general physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. I realized that public health would be the perfect complement to PA since it values addressing the entire person when a health issue arises. There were only a handful of PA/MPH dual degree programs in the United States, including the Emory PA program. I admired the program's dedication to quality and compassionate patient care and working in various underserved populations. I am an "all in" kind of girl, so I only applied to the Emory PA program because I was convinced it was the place for me...thankfully, the feelings were mutual!
What field do you plan to pursue post-graduation?
Either infectious disease or inpatient internal medicine. Both fields involve working with complex patients and many different medical and non-medical personnel- so much fun! I also hope to contribute to academia in some capacity and remain involved in mentoring/teaching underserved youth who are interested in pursuing healthcare careers.
What do you want others to know about your years in the Emory PA Program?
My favorite part about being an Emory PA student has certainly been the people I've met throughout this process. I have made life-long friends during this program! We've shared many tears, frustrations, joy, and laughter since Day 1 and I am forever grateful for them.
Why did you decide to pursue a career as a PA and come to Emory?
I've wanted to become a PA since high school when I first learned about the profession. I loved the perfect mix of genuine patient care, compassionate communication, and high-level thinking that being a PA allowed- especially in a health care system that is often tailored to quantity over quality. From what I read on the website to the moment I had my interview, I quickly recognized that the Emory PA program valued those things and so much more- it was obvious that the Emory PA program was the place for me.
What did you like most about living in Atlanta?
I love that there are so many brunch spots to choose from! I also love that the city is investing in local infrastructure like the Atlanta Beltline to make areas more walkable and easier to navigate.