Multidisciplinary Clinic
Your next visit will likely be at our multidisciplinary clinic.
Multidisciplinary Clinic (MDC)
MDC can be a long day for pALS and caregivers. We always try to be as efficient as possible while also ensuring that all your needs are addressed and that we provide the best clinical care. Plan to be at the appointment for between 3 and 4 hours. Bring all items that you might need: respiratory equipment (i.e. trilogy, cough assist), food, hydration, items for comfort, etc.
You will see a clinical provider (a physician or nurse practitioner), a respiratory therapist, and our nurse. For most of our patients, we will also recommend that you see additional members of our clinical team during this appointment. This may include a speech therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, dietitian, and/or social worker. In addition, a representative from ALS United of Georgia is available as well as a member of Emory ALS Center’s research team.
Emory is a teaching institution so there are medical students, residents, and fellows who might also participate in your care under the supervision of the clinical team. Please feel free to let us know if you would rather not have students/residents/fellows see you.
You will be contacted by a member of our team by phone or portal message the week before your appointment. This conversation will help us provide the best care during your upcoming appointment. As such, please share changes in your symptoms and functioning that have occurred since your last appointment. Planning ahead for what you might need will help us be prepared and hopefully shorten the time you will be there. It's a good idea to bring a book or something to pass the time – remember that you should expect to be there between 3 to 4 hours.
Multidisciplinary ALS Clinic Location:
1365 Clifton Rd, Building B, 2nd floor – Suite 2200 in Neurosciences
Atlanta GA 30322
Parking Options:
Valet services at Building B/Hospital Tower OR self-park at the hospital tower OR self-park in Lowergate West Parking Deck
We are unable to validate parking.
The best way to communicate with us is by using the MyChart messaging system.
In addition, to schedule or cancel an appointment with the ALS Center, call the ALS Patient Care Coordinator, Tamisha Mensah, at 404-727-3507. Our direct fax number is 404-778-3495.
Also make sure to to review the online resource guide!