Dr. Ashish Sharma has been nominated for the Hidden Gem awards
December 2019
Dr. Ashish Sharma has been recognized for his groundbreaking work in cloud computing in healthcare and leading the Department of Biomedical Informatics to international reputation in this area, as evidenced by a recent documentary Google made on the department and his work supporting sepsis prediction.
Over the last six months the department has hired five new faculty members. Visit the faculty directory for a full listing of leadership, core and program faculty members.
Dr. Gari Clifford's work was highlighted in the Guatemalan national newspaper 'El Periodico'
May 20, 2019
The Guatemalan national newspaper 'El Periodico' highlights Dr. Gari Clifford's work with their partner NGO, Wuqu' Kawoq - Maya Health Alliance: "Se reduce brecha de mortalida materna en Chimaltenango, Referencias para asistencia hospitalaria aumentan gracias al uso de tecnología” (Maternal mortality gap in Chimaltenango reduced, Referrals for hospital assistance increase thanks to the use of technology).
Two new basic science chairs reflect One Emory focus on collaborative research
April 25, 2019
Two new chairs in the basic sciences in Emory School of Medicine are the result of an effort to promote and support collaborative research among fundamental scientists across the university through the One Emory framework.
DRIVe teams up with academic research consortium to develop deep learning software to provide early warning of sepsis in patients
February 1, 2019
The DRIVe Solving Sepsis initiative is partnering with Emory University to further validate an interoperable machine learning software for early prediction of sepsis in hospital intensive care units that will provide physicians with actionable information.