Signature Events
The Department of Medicine's Office of Research offers signature events designed to promote groundbreaking research, assist with grant writing, and collaborate with other researchers across the university.
Additional Research Events
- GA CTSA Blue Sky Groups: In these groups, faculty meet with investigators with similar interests but diverse expertise to discuss common mechanisms of disease and identify opportunities for collaboration.
- FAALI (Faculty Academic Advancement, Leadership, and Inclusion) Lecture Series: Presented throughout the year by senior faculty within the School of Medicine, covers practical topics aimed at assisting faculty in their career development.
- Health Services Research Day: Annual quality forum and networking opportunity for researchers to learn about ongoing quality, effectiveness, and value-based research activities within the Woodruff Health Sciences Center.
- FEED (Faculty Education, Enrichment and Development) Conference: A half-day CME-accredited program provides learning opportunities for clinician educators, clinical researchers, and basic scientists of all levels.
- K-Club: An educational forum partially sponsored by the DOM that provides support and advice to young investigators on obtaining research career development awards. Researchers, junior faculty, and fellows interested in academic research careers should attend. Check out videos of previous talks in the K-Club video library.