Department of Human Genetics

DOHG Faculty Recruitment and Development Committee

DOHG is rolling out a staged program of initiatives intended to facilitate faculty development.

Current active programs include:
  • Connecting DOHG faculty to SOM and University resources related to promotion and tenure
  • Establishing and supporting mentoring teams for junior faculty
  • Facilitating informal connections among DOHG faculty

DOHG Faculty Seeking Promotion and/or Tenure

are encouraged to do each of the following three things:


  1. Explore Promotion Readiness Resources offered by the Emory SOM.
  2. Connect with peers in the department, or elsewhere in the SOM, who have recently gone through the same promotion and/or tenure review process. If you do not know who in the DOHG has recently undergone review, please ask the chair of the DOHG Committee on Tenure, Appointments, and Promotions (currently Dr. David Weinshenker, or the department chair (Dr. Peng Jin,
  3. Reach out to the chair of the DOHG Committee on Tenure, Appointments, and Promotions (currently Dr. David Weinshenker, to arrange for a 1-on-1 meeting to review your CV and discuss strengths and any possible challenge areas.

Emory SOM Resources for Faculty Promotion Readiness

All of the information can be found on the Emory SOM faculty Promotion Readiness resources page.

Some upcoming activities of interest

  • CV Building workshop on Jan 25, 2021
  • Service Portfolio Workshop on Feb 23, 2021
  • Teaching Portfolio Workshop on March 30,2021
  • Mock FCAP Review on May 4, 2021

Click here to register.

In addition, Dr. Kathy Griendling offers a talk every January on promotions. These talks are recorded and deposited, with many others in the Faculty Video Library.

Mentoring Teams for Junior Faculty

The DOHG takes junior faculty mentoring seriously and is committed to providing a supportive
environment in which all faculty will flourish. We also recognize that no one mentoring program
is right for all individuals, and so offer junior faculty the freedom to either (a) participate in the
established mentoring program described below, or (b) opt out and instead arrange their own
mentoring program. To be clear, DOHG wants all junior faculty to receive mentoring in whatever
form will be most useful to help them reach their professional goals; there is no penalty
associated with opting out of the established program.

     DOHG Formal Faculty Mentoring Program

  • Each junior faculty member (mentee) chooses her/his/their own mentoring team of 2-3 people who will help to guide their progress, from answering questions about relevant professional activities (e.g., setting up a lab and hiring staff, teaching and mentoring trainees, navigating Emory's administrative systems, budget issues, grantsmanship, CV review, promotion and/or tenure readiness, etc.) to helping them set realistic short- and longer-term professional goals and chart a path to reach them. To choose a committee, the mentee should speak with potential mentors who would qualify to serve and explain their individual professional goals and discuss expectations before submitting a tentative list to the DOHG Faculty Recruiting and Development Committee for review and approval. Review will consist of ensuring that requested mentors are at the appropriate rank (see below), understand the role(s) they are being asked to fill, and agree to serve. Mentors do not need to be DOHG faculty but must be in the Emory School of Medicine (SOM), as tenure and promotion policies may differ between the SOM and other parts of the university.
  • All mentees are encouraged, but not required, to assemble a mentoring team that includes both basic science and clinical mentors. Mentor and mentee research interests may overlap, but are not required to do so.
  • Each mentoring team must include at least one mentor who is one or more rank levels above the mentee, and whose professional focus matches that of the mentee. For example, if the mentee is from the basic sciences side, their senior mentor must be from the basic sciences side. If the mentee if from the clinical side, their senior mentor must be from the clinical side. If the mentee's principal focus is education, their senior mentor's principal focus should be education. Any mentee who would like help assembling their mentoring team is welcome to ask the DOHG faculty development committee for assistance.
  • Once established, a mentee / mentoring team will be advised to set goals, discuss relevant SOM deadlines for submission of materials for promotion and/or tenure, and map a timeline for moving forward with regular meetings (at least 1 per year) to track progress, update goals, and address any concerns as they arise.
  • The makeup of a mentoring team may be changed, as needed, at any time as requested by either a mentee or mentor. The chair of the DOHG faculty development committee should be informed of any such changes before they are finalized. Any problems perceived by either a mentee or mentor that may require intervention beyond the mentoring committee should immediately be brought to the attention of the department chair.

DOHG Faculty Mystery Virtual Lunch Series 2020-2021

What is this?

Good things happen when people get to know each other. As a step toward helping more faculty in DOHG get to know each other we have initiated an informal Zoom lunch series called DOHG Faculty Mystery Lunch.

Here's the plan

At some regular intervals we will send an email to all faculty in DOHG listing upcoming available dates and inviting your participation -- which will be totally voluntary. We do not plan to keep track of who participates or how often. The available openings will be on different days of the week and at slightly different times so that hopefully everyone will be able to find some options that fit their schedule. Each slot will fit up to 4 participants. As soon as 2 people sign up for the same date, we will send a confirmation Calendar invite with a Zoom link.

You will not know who else is signed up for your lunch slot until you log in -- which is the point.  We want people to connect with colleagues they may not yet know.

How to participate

If you want to participate in a DOHG Faculty Mystery Lunch, please watch for emails from listing upcoming dates and times. You are also welcome to email directly to ask about upcoming dates and to make your selection.  

Have fun!

Possible Future Faculty Panel Discussions/Activities

  • specific topics in scholarship: authorship, which journal (? impact factor), reviews, department editing assistance, grant topics
  • specific topics in teaching: presentations, small groups, etc.
  • specific topics in service: when to say “yes” when to say “no” etc
  • Research Grants 101 for clinical and basic science faculty:
    • build a database of funding agencies DOHG faculty have had success with and the sorts of projects these agencies tend to prefer
    • junior clinical faculty should be encouraged and supported to apply for K awards and foundation awards for specific disorders
    • DOHG will provide additional support to junior or mid-career faculty (at the rank of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor) for grant applications
  • how to read a RAS budget spreadsheet
  • handling difficult conversations with collaborators
  • handling difficult conversations with trainees or staff
  • deciding when to pursue or continue pursuing a research project and when to drop it for something else