Department of Medicine

April 26, 2023 Dr. Kehinde Okunade presents "Securing NIH Funding from Fogarty Fellowship to K43" Recent EN-RTP alumni shares insight related to applying for funding with peers.

Dr. Okunade, a recent graduate of the EN-RTP program, shared his personal experiences and advice for securing NIH funding with his programmatic peers. Via Zoom, Dr. Okunade gave attendees a look into his funding history, including research grants and miscellaneous grants for equipment and travel. Examples of acquired research grants include a Fogarty Global Health Fellowship awarded in 2018 and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Global Cancer Disparities Pilot Grant awarded in 2021. Dr. Okunade relayed to his peers the benefits of taking advantage of funding opportunities which are especially fitting to their needs and interests as well as elements of the application to be mindful of in order to be a successful, competitive candidate.


Dr. Oluseye Ajayi Presents at 2023 Sex Differences in Immunity Gordon Research Conference

The 2023 Sex Differences in Immunity Gordon Research Conference was held April 2-7, 2023, in Ventura, California.  The purpose of the conference is to present cutting-edge and unpublished research to promote discussion and engagement amongst researchers in various levels of their respective careers.

On Wednesday, April 5, 2023, Dr. Ajayi, Cohort 3 Trainee, presented, "Sex Differences in Cumulative Incidence, Incidence Rate and Treatment Outcome of Clinically Diagnosed Hypertension Among People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in Two HIV Clinics in Nigeria".

DECEMBER 5-7, 2022 4th Annual EN-RTP Orientation Meeting Team Welcomes 4th Cohort & 2nd Cohort Trainees Receive Certificates of Completion

EN-RTP leadership hosts it's 4th Annual Orientation Meeting at the Southern Sun Ikoyi Hotel in Lagos, Nigeria.  Trainees of cohort 4 were welcomed into the program, being formally introduced to the program's goals, initiatives, and promise to mentorship.  Additionally, Cohort 2 trainees were awarded Certificates of Completion for their successful completion of the program.


2nd Cohort Trainees with their certificates of completion and programmatic stakeholders.

(L to R: Professor Oliver Ezechi [EN-RTP Leadership/Lead Nigeria Investigator], Professor Toyin Amira [EN-RTP Leadership/UNILAG Program Director], Dr. Fehintola Ige, Dr. Kehinde Okunade, Omoladun Olukemi Odediran, Dr. Folahanm Akinsolu Tomiwa, Dr. Emelda Chukwu, Dr. Igho Ofotokun [EN-RTP Leadership/Principal Investigator], Professor Audu)

EN-RTP faculty and staff.

(L to R: Dr. Zanthia Wiley [EN-RTP U.S. Mentor] and Hannah Nicol [EN-RTP Director of Training])

Director General of the National Institute of Medical Research with previous title holders.

(L to R: Professor Innocent Ujah, ProfessorDiigbe Oni, Professor Babatunde Salako [Director General of NIMR])

EN-RTP faculty and staff with Cohort 4 trainees.

(L to R: Dr. M. Neale Weitzmann, Gloria Yamen Sonnen-Atinge, Professor Beau Bruce, Dr. Zanthia Wiley, Dr. Ahmed Abukabar, Fatimah Anwoju, Dr. Patrick Azuka, Dr. Sarah Blake [EN-RTP Leadership], Christoper Martin [EN-RTP Leadership/Program Director], Dr. Emmanual Osayi)

EN-RTP Hosts its Annual Summer Workshop Summer 2022 Workshop

Annually, our program holds a series of workshops in Lagos, Nigeria for the trainees. These are pictures from our 2022 workshop series, which was held from June 27-29, 2022, on the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) campus in Lagos.

The daily schedule of our summer workshop program.
Trainee Folahanmi Akinsolu presents results from a recent study as part of a workshop on presentation skills.
Dr. Sarah Blake presents to the group about the value of evaluation in research.
Trainee Oluseye Ajayi speaks during the workshop.
Trainee Fehintola Ige speaks during the workshop.
Director of Training Hannah Nicol presents a workshop on peer review.
Dr. Ighovwerha Ofotokun presents his research on COVID-19 to an audience at the NIMR.
Ryan Downs presents a workshop on budgeting for grants.
Trainees and program staff enjoy a group dinner on the final night of workshops.