Department of Medicine


The overarching goal of the Emory-Nigeria HIV Research Training Program (EN-RTP) is to enhance the capacity of researchers focused on HIV/women’s health research in Nigeria, with the aim of promoting health and wellbeing of women living with HIV.

Opportunities for Our Trainees

Fogarty-IeDEA Mentorship Program

The EN-RTP program develops trainees’ knowledge and skills in epidemiology, data management, and analysis to increase their individual research capacity.  The Fogarty-IeDEA Mentorship Program is an additional opportunity our trainees can apply for either during or after their D43 appointment: a chance to develop and answer a research question using data from the IeDEA database while receiving intense mentorship from a scientist affiliated with an IeDEA Regional Data Center (RDC) in the trainee’s IeDEA region.

To learn more, visit these links:
Fogarty-IeDEA Mentorship Program
Fogarty International Center

What Our Trainees are Saying:

I applied for the FIMP program because I desire to improve my capacity to analyze large data. The International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) database has information on over two million people living with HIV, with about 44 countries from 7 regions in the world contributing observational data to the database. IeDEA also has a wide range of researchers in terms of expertise and cultural diversity. Its extensive array of analytical tools and capacity building activities will enhance my capacity to analyze large data sets by the end of this 2-year mentorship program.

- Ebiere Clara Herbertson, Cohort 1

Fogarty-leDEA Mentorship Program experience has been awesome. We have monthly meetings with the organizers and other mentees. Last Wednesday, 21st April, 2022 was our last meeting and at the meeting three of my cohort presented their research topics. That meeting will continue until we all present our topics.  There are other activities ongoing, such as paring us with the older cohort for collaboration. Also, the organizers will be engaging us in some academic and research exercises in areas we feel we need help.  The organizers have also encouraged us to signify interest in joining any of the leDEA regional working groups.  It has been a wonderful journey so far. I am having a lot of new research and academic fun.

- Temitope Ladi-Akinyemi, Cohort 2