The faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences are an invaluable resource and their personal and professional development and satisfaction are of paramount importance. We believe that effective mentoring is a key vehicle for enhancing the quality of people’s lives at work. As such, we prioritize mentoring and mentoring relationships. We recognize our faculty have different mentoring needs and priorities depending on their areas of focus, work site and responsibilities and stage of career development. As a result, our departmental mentoring program is comprised of multiple resources. We hope our program will enable you to develop and sustain productive and beneficial mentor-mentee relationships and peer mentoring groups. It is our belief such relationships and groups are associated with benefits for all parties, as well as the department and the institution.
We welcome your thoughts about ways in which we can enhance and strengthen our mentoring program. We have a departmental team (Dr. Nadine Kaslow, Dr. Michael Lucido, Dr. Amanda Platner, Dr. Rebecca Schneider; Ms Sahara Khan) participating in an SOM-wide Mentoring Collaborative aimed at strengthening our departmental mentoring efforts.
This section of the website provides background information on mentoring (Slides, FAQs), details the departmental mentoring programs (one-on-one mentoring, peer mentoring and consultation program), includes Mentor Bios for senior faculty in the department, offers Mentoring Guidelines and provides relevant resources (Guidance for Supporting the Career Autonomy of Junior Faculty, Mentoring Toolkit).