2024 Residency Program Applicant Portal

By the Numbers
Years of Top-Notch Education
Emory’s residency training program in pathology is robust and well-established, having been in continuous operation since 1952.
Surgical Specimens per Year
We see over 80,000 surgical specimens per year across EUH, EUHM, Grady, the Atlanta VA, and CHOA. Across these sites, we see a wide variety of cases, covering all major surgical subspecialties and including a breadth of neoplastic and non-neoplastic disease.
Autopsy Cases per Year
Between EUH, EUHM, Grady, and CHOA, we see approximately 200 autopsy cases per year that involve a range of disease presentations.
Cytology Specimens Annually
We see over 35,000 cytology specimens per year across the same hospitals, including substantial fine needle aspiration (FNA) samples.