Provided by: Emory Office of Technology Transfer (OTT)
Who’s eligible: All Emory employees and students interested in starting a company based on the technologies created by them and owned by Emory
If you’re thinking seriously about starting a company, this Emory Venture Navigator site is a great place to start.
But there’s also nothing quite like a conversation with an expert. Emory’s Office of Technology Transfer welcomes a dialogue with you.
If you want to chat about how to take that great idea out of your head and start moving it forward, email Nathanael McCurley, assistant director of faculty & startup services. Or call Nathanael at (404) 727-5169.
Or if you’d like to discuss the specifics involved with creating a company – and how Emory OTT can support your venture development – email Kevin Lei, director of faculty & startup services. You can also call Kevin at (404) 727-7241.
These initial meetings or consultations don’t have any required criteria – just your idea, invention or interest.