Provided by: Emory University School of Medicine (I3 Research Awards)
Who’s eligible: Emory University faculty who 1) have a primary appointment in the School of Medicine with a rank of assistant professor or above; and 2) are principal investigators in a research project. (See other eligibility criteria below.)
Up to $20,000 in incremental grants to “catalyze promising early-stage concepts” can be awarded through I3 Venture Research Awards.
The proposal round for 2021 ended June 7, but RFPs for the next round will be available spring 2022.
The Venture Awards are part of the larger Imagine, Innovate and Impact (I3) program, which awards several kinds of grants to drive research that has real-world application.
In the 2021 round, applications for I3 Venture Research Awards were considered for technologies that “had the potential to shape, de-risk or scale up a potential new drug or technology in medicine (diagnostic, therapeutic, device or software) in less than one year.”
Grants awarded help ready the research project for the next stage of translation, which may or may not include market readiness. Particularly creative ideas, even without preliminary data, are considered, as long as the proposal demonstrates “compelling impact, feasibility and commercial potential.”
Applications are considered even if the technology being developed is not a fit for a startup company. An invention disclosure to Emory Office of Technology Transfer is not required, either.
Other eligibility criteria:
- The project described in the application cannot already be receiving Venture Award funding at the time the award is made
- Faculty may participate in more than one proposal and/or serve as principal investigator on more than one proposal
- Faculty applicants must be at a full-time equivalent status of 0.5 or higher
- Collaborations are strongly encouraged but not required. If the proposal includes a non-SOM entity, that second entity must agree to fund its share of the budget if awarded.