Provided by: Goizueta Business School
Who’s eligible: Anyone in the Emory community (students, faculty, staff, alumni)
If you and others are launching a company and want to test the market, Emory Startup Launch can help.
Teams that participate get the guidance of professionals to test their ideas with customers. Each team must have one Emory community member, and there is no cost to participate.
The 10-week program is held in the spring.
Teams will:
- Use a Startup Business Model Canvas to describe, test and refine a business
- Uncover, refine and confirm buyer/user problems that lead to solutions
- Learn interview tools that test and refine your assumptions with buyer/users
- Define and explore your early adopters (buyers/users)
- Find the buyer/user behavior triggers that signal demand
- Create, deliver and test micro offers with buyers/users to reveal demand
- When and how to apply micro innovations to adjust your business model
- Recognize and utilize useful metrics to show traction in your business model
- How to discover, define and test key words to amplify buyer/user interaction
- Create an effective early-stage company presentation for Demo Day