Provided by: Emory OTT with the support of the Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Who’s eligible: All Emory employees and students interested in entrepreneurship (as well as other Georgia entrepreneurs)
Held each spring at Emory, the Kauffman FastTrac® TechVenture™ helps faculty who have started – or intend to start – a company.
For six full days, spread out over seven weeks, two Kauffman certified facilitators and 13 guest speakers will guide you through such topics as:
- Working with the Office of Technology Transfer
- Exploring entrepreneurship
- Defining the target market
- Conducting market research and analysis (during the third week of the course)
- Testing your business concept
- Entering and capturing the market
- Planning for financial success
- Building and compensating your team
- Protecting your business and intellectual property
- Identifying funding and working with investors
- Managing cash and operating your business
- Managing conflict of interest (COI)