The Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) provides didactic and mentored clinical and translational research training for medical students in between their third and fourth years of medical school.
Investigators undertaking clinical and translational research must couple their knowledge of medicine and biology with analytic sciences including statistical reasoning, decision analysis, probability theory, analytical epidemiology, and informatics. They must also have an understanding of the principles of evidence-based medicine, implementation science, bioethics, clinical trial design, regulations involving human subjects and animals, scientific and grant writing, and responsible conduct of research.
How Does It Fit In
The MSCR requires a minimum of 30 academic credit hours, which include classes, a research thesis, and a written grant proposal. Full-time students complete two semesters of class work in the first year. The summer and second year consist of completing required rotations (IRB and Clinical Research Network), research project, thesis, and grant. Mentoring is by an established and successful federally-funded clinical investigator.
Medical students are encouraged to apply to this program early during their third year of medical school. Acceptance to the MSCR as a dual degree for medical students may be contingent on satisfactory evaluation of academic standing and professional conduct in the School of Medicine.