Postdoc Benefits
The following information is for all postdoctoral fellows. See the summary table of benefits eligibility for more details. For a complete list of benefits go the HR Benefits page.
Medical Insurance
Health insurance is required of all postdocs. Single person coverage with a family option is available through Emory programs as an employee benefit with the University. Health insurance enrollment is at the time of hire during the Human Resources Orientation sessions for new postdoctoral fellows. If the trainee elects to waive health insurance coverage through the University, he/she must certify that they have at least comparable medical coverage.
Dental Insurance
Dental insurance is offered through the University though not required of postdocs. Single coverage with a family option is available through Emory programs as an employee benefit with the University.
Compensated Vacation Leave
Postdoctoral fellows have 21 calendar days that contains 15 business days per year. The year is based on the yearly anniversary date of the initial hire date as a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University. Unused leave is not carried over to the next year or paid at the end of termination of the position. The postdoctoral fellow who does not use his/her leave in the year it is available loses the leave. This policy is often called “Use it or lose it”. Postdoctoral fellows should discuss leave with their mentors in advance of making plans for leave.
There are ten (10) official paid Emory holidays each year. These are New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Holiday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter Recess, and New Year's Eve.
Disability/Sick Leave
There are twelve (12) calendar days that contains 10 business days of paid disability/sick leave per year. The year is based on the yearly anniversary date of the initial hire date as a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University. Unused leave is not carried over to the next year or paid at the end of termination of the position. In cases of need, up to six months total disability leave (paid plus unpaid) can be used at the discretion and approval of the mentor.
Paid Parental Leave
Emory University provides 6 weeks of paid parental leave to eliible faculty, staff, librarians, and postdoctoral fellows who experience the birth or adoption of a child. For more details, see Emory's full university policy.
By the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Emory University postdoctoral fellows have a safe position for twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave for family reasons. Paid parental leave may be taken during the FMLA period (covering up to 6 weeks of pay of the 12-week FMLA unpaid leave period), or outside of the FMLA period with supervisor approval. For additional pay coverage during unpaid FMLA parental leave beyond the 6 weeks of paid parental leave, postdocs may use both paid vacation leave and disability leave. Combining the 21 calendar days of vacation leave and 12 calendar days of the disability/sick leave adds to 33 possible additional paid days for parental leave, depending on how many days of paid vacation and paid disability/sick leave the Postdoc has used in the last year. The year is based on the yearly anniversary date of the hire date as a postdoctoral fellow at Emory.
Postdocs should apply for leave by completing the FMLA and Medical Leave form in Employee Self-Service and providing a written request to the mentor at least thirty (30) days before anticipated start of leave or as soon as possible under unforeseen circumstances. A statement from the health care provider is required for birth and care of a newborn child and appropriate court documents are required for foster care placement or adoption of a child. These documents are to be uploaded with the FMLA and Medical Leave form.
Family Medical Leave Act leave is also available for care of a spouse, domestic partner, child or parent with a serious health condition. During FMLA leave for reasons other than parental leave, paid vacation and disability/sick leave days may be taken to cover pay during the unpaid FMLA leave period (as described above).
During unpaid FMLA leave, the Postdoc may continue health and other insurance participation but must make arrangements to directly pay his/her share of the contributions; retirement contributions cannot be made.
Revised NIH Parental Leave Policy for the Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Awards. NIH trainees on institutional research training grants (T32, T34, T35, and the NRSA component of T90), and fellows on individual research training fellowships (F30, F31, F32, and F33) may receive stipends during parental leave for the adoption or the birth of a child when those in comparable training positions at the grantee organization have access to paid leave for this purpose. NRSA trainees are thus eligible for 6 weeks of paid leave in accordance with Emory's paid parental leave policy. The use of parental leave must be approved by the training Program Director.
Retirement benefits
Postdocs with a 9902-9903 job code are eligible to make voluntary contributions on a pretax basis to a retirement plan beginning on their date of hire. The retirement plans are:
For the full list of benefits eligibility, see the chart below.
Scholarship and Tuition
Courtesy Scholarship
The Courtesy Scholarship is a grant that covers tuition exclusively (not textbooks, fees or other miscellaneous charges). It is made available to Emory employees and their family members who apply and are admitted for enrollment in academic programs at Emory University. The percentage of tuition covered depends on your years of service. For more information on the program, eligibility and application procedure, visit the Courtesy Scholarship page.
Tuition Reimbursement
Emory provides a Tuition Reimbursement Program to eligible employees for enrollment in job-related or career path directed coursework at educational institutions other than Emory University. For more information about eligibility and how to apply, visit the Tuition Reimbursement site.
Financial Support Information
The School of Medicine Dean and Council of Chairs established the policy that the NIH levels established in the NRSA Stipend table will be followed for both non-NRSA and NRSA funded Postdoctoral Fellows. In addition, for a postdoc's extraordinary performance, the mentor can pay within a salary range up to an additional 15% added to the postdoc's base annual salary.
- NIH stipend or NIH stipend + up to 15%
- This salary increase is at PI’s discretion
For postdocs on training grants or NIH fellowships, this pay bonus is subject to availability of non-federal funds, Any amount above the 15% must be approved by OPMTE.
Additionally, NIH states that the stipend level for the entire year of support is determined by the number of full years of relevant research experience. Relevant experience includes research experience (including industrial), teaching assistantship, internship, residency, clinical duties, or other time spent in a health-related field beyond that of the qualifying doctoral degree. Once the appropriate stipend level has been determined, the trainee or fellow must be paid at that level for the entire year and does not change mid-year.
The stipend requirements are updated annually. Please contact OPMTE to receive the salary tables for the current fiscal year.
Training Grants Support Office (TGSO) offers several trainee resources which include a link to a tax webinar for postdoctoral fellows titled How to Not Hate your Fellowship During Tax Season as well as Payroll and Tax Implications of NRSA Stipends. You must log-in using your netid and password to review.
For other tax-related information please visit the Overview of Tax Issues for Postdocs on the National Postdoc Association website.
Support Services
Faculty/ Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)
FSAP provides professional counseling, consultative, and educational services designed to enhance the health, performance and well-being of individuals and organizational units.
Emory Work-Life Resource Center
The Emory Work-Life Resource Center promotes and strengthens the work-life culture for Emory University faculty, staff and graduate students. The Center integrates a wide range of practices, programs and processes that sustain individuals and families within the University environment. Below is a sample of the programs offered by the center. Visit the Work-Life Resource Center website for more details.
Fitness Centers/ Athletics
Several fitness centers at Emory offer gym membership at discounted rates to Emory Postdocs. List of available fitness centers is listed below:
Visit Supporting Our People to learn about all the other services available on campus.
Other Benefits
CONNECT with other postdocs across the country.
LEARN from subject matter experts on career exploration and more.
EMPOWER your career by volunteering with the NPA to grow leadership skills & your network.
Emory postdocs can become Affiliate Members at no cost. As an affiliate member, postdocs have access to numerous career and mentoring resources. Just click on the membership tab to become a member.
Georgia Bio - Georgia Bio offers different events and seminars. Emory postdocs can join Georgia Bio for free. For your free membership, send your name, email address and current title to and they will create an account for you.
Association for Women in Science - Emory postdocs can join AWIS at no cost as Emory sponsors the membership.
Benefits include:
STEM education & outreach
Professional development
Live & on-demand webinars
International member directory
AWIS Career & Research Centers
AWIS Magazine & Washington Wire