The Department of Rehabilitation at Emory University is committed to excellence in residency education. Upon completion of our fully accredited residency in Physical Medical and Rehabilitation, we believe our graduates demonstrate the knowledge and skills to be excellent physiatrists and will be leaders in PM&R. We achieve our goals in residency education through a spectrum of clinical exposures, bedside teaching, formal lectures, critical literature review in journal club, and meaningful participation in research. Our graduates are "stem-cell" physiatrists capable of pursuing any area within the wonderful field of PM&R!
The clinical exposure at Emory is truly impressive. Rotations in inpatients settings encompass the broad array of rehabilitation medicine including specialized programs in stroke, geriatrics, pediatrics, orthopedics, brain injury, and spinal cord injury. Likewise, residents have an impressive exposure to musculoskeletal medicine, pain management, invasive skills, sports medicine, electro-diagnostic medicine, and the outpatient management of chronic disabilities. Residents learn these skills in a variety of locations and are thus exposed to insights of different practice styles and settings.
Beyond the clinical and technical skills of contemporary PM&R, we want our residents to be thoughtful and to have the necessary analytical skills to be critical consumers of new knowledge. We teach these analytical skills through a variety of ways including the regular journal clubs and participation in a clinical research project.
We are proud of our highly skilled and knowledgeable faculty. To complement the rehabilitation physicians specializing in the spectrum of clinical areas, we have researchers (MDs and PhDs) doing cutting-edge rehabilitation research in neuroscience, immunology, exercise, outcomes, and health services research. Ongoing research projects involve innovative therapeutic interventions (such as constraint-induced training), motor control, neuropsychology, brain injury, vestibular dysfunction, quality of life, interventional spine therapies and topics in sports medicine, to name just a few.
We are committed to our residency education. Our residents work hard; learn a lot, and have fun doing it!
George D. Fulk, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Professor & Interim Chairman
Hassan Monfared, MD
Program Director