Our program offers a large team of providers with specialized expertise in treating all forms of leukemia and lymphoma, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Each year, our leukemia and lymphoma program cares for more than 150 newly diagnosed patients using a variety of treatment protocols, including bone marrow treatment (BMT), and Phase I and II trials for patients whose cancer has relapsed or is not responding to treatment.
Our program includes:
Physicians with national Children's Oncology Group (COG) leadership roles and expertise in ALL, AML and Hodgkin lymphoma.
Status as one of a select group of centers offering chimeric antigen receptor, CAR T-cell therapy for relapsed leukemia, as well as ongoing research to develop new CAR T-cell technology.
Leading a first-in-pediatrics study examining the effects of combining everolimus with other T cell-specific chemotherapy in children with relapsed or refractory.
T cell ALL (T-ALL) lymphoblastic lymphoma (LLy) - the goal of the study is to allow more T-ALL/LLy patients to attain remission and proceed to stem cell transplant.
For more information, visit here.
Our leukemia and lymphoma team:
Waitman Aumann, MD
D. John Bergsagel, MD
Kevin Bunting, PhD
Sharon Castellino, MD, MSc, Program Director
Deb DeRyckere, PhD
Douglas Graham, MD, PhD
Lubing Gu, MD
Curtis Henry, PhD
Frank Keller, MD
Miyoung Lee, PhD
Glen Lew, MD
Tamara Miller, MD, MSCE
Melinda Pauly, MD
Christopher Porter, MD
Cheng-Kui Qu, MD, PhD
Sunil Raikar, MD
Himalee Sabnis, MD, MSc
Zhengqi Wang, PhD
Daniel Wechsler, MD, PhD
William G. Woods, MD
Dan Yan, PhD
Muxian Zhou, MD