Brief Orientation
- Team A: Rms #1-14, 1 attending, 1 fellow + resident + (M4)
- Team B: Rms #15-22, 1 attending, 1 AAP (+visiting fellow/resident)
- Team C: Rms #23-36, 1 attending, 1 fellow + resident + (M4)
- Team A: Rms #1-18
- Team C: Rms #19-36
- Daily rounds at 08:00; (joined ECMO rounds before resuming teams)
- Sign out rounds at 16:00
- Evening rounds between 21:00-23:00
- Resident signout at 18:00 and 0600
- - PICU Resident H&P: for all medical admissions and consults
- - PICU Transfer Accept: for all transfers from floors to the unit and from other services to the CCM
- - PICU Discharge/Transfer/Death: start at the time of admission for all medical patients, update regularly with pertinent information. File it with complete information at the time of discharge.
TRANSFER/DISCHARGE: : Apply only to medical patients
- A complete transfer summary (start one close to admission time; update info along the way to facilitate smooth/easier process for the cross covering residents)
- Transfer orders at the time of transfer
- A call to the floor residents for direct verbal report at the time of transfer
- Call to notify transfer (even already called out at previous shift)
The PICU team created a preference list for all orders specific for the PICU. Follow the following steps to copy the preference list. This will help guide you through the complex EPIC orders and drug dosing.
- EPIC ->Tools-> Patient Care Tools ->Preference List Composer
- Copy User (lower left corner)
- From user: Paden, Matthew
- Scroll down to "Orders (Inpatient): with 307 items ->click Copy
EVALUATIONS: Evaluation is compiled from all CCM members at the end of the rotation. Residents are evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Patient care
- Medical knowledge
- Practice based learning and Improvement
- System based practice
- Professionalism
- Interpersonal skills and communication
DAYS: 0600-1800
- Receive sign out from the night team
- Round & complete the progress notes prior to rounds
- Complete admission for new admission after 0700
- 0800 daily rounds
- Complete to-do list for all patients
- Pre-round for sign out rounds at 1600: brief synopsis of the patients, update on new information and the to-do list for the night team
- Sign over to night team
NIGHTS 1800-0600
- Receive sign out from the day team
- Complete all admission after 1600
- Prepare for evening rounds at 2100-2300
- Pre-round and complete progress notes for the next day, keep the same patients in the same pod
- Face time with staff throughout the night; no call room
- Be ready to sign out at 0600
- ASCOM phones
Team A: 5-0987
Team C: 5-0988
- Fellow A phone: 3-0989
Fellow B phone: ####
Fellow C phone: 3-8560
- PNP phone: 3-0959
- ICU direct phone 5-6006 (404-785-6006)
EDUCATION is very important during this rotation. There are several formats we use for this purpose
- Daily bed-side teaching with each team when time allowed
- Evening rounds with one or two interesting patients or topics
- CCM fellow conferences are on Tuesdays @ 1200, in the PICU classroom, and residents are encouraged to attend
- PICU Radiology rounds on Wednesday @ 2PM in the PICU
- PICU Ventilator rounds on Wednesday (alternate with Radiology rounds)
- On-line resources and tests are also part of the rotation. There are two websites available to you during this rotation.
- Open Pediatrics is one of the web based learning resources. Participation is a required element of this rotation. You are registered to this site at the beginning of your rotation. Your log in ID is your work e-mail (provided by your home program) and your password is ‘password’. You will receive an invitation to participate with the ‘EMORY PICU” group. Sign in and join the group. You are required to complete the group’s learning tract at the end of your rotation. Failure to complete the tract will result in a ‘Fail’ mark for your rotation. Access to OpenPediatrics at large remains available to you beyond this rotation.
- The site with the Department of Pediatrics at Emory University. This site contains the complete orientation package to the PICU. Use it as your resource.
Enjoy your rotation. Do not hesitate to contact Nga Pham if you have any questions.