Improving Care for Tomorrow
To use innovation, education, and discovery to improve the care of critically ill children
Train the next generation of academic leaders in pediatric critical care
Mentorship central – constant, personalized, and developmental
Optimize and balance the training paradigm – development of dual expertise
Fellow Forward – placing trainees into a position of success
Lifelong Inquiry – an extension of learning, asking questions now and beyond
Engagement, Enjoyment, and Enthusiasm – fellowship research redefined

Research goals
Prior to Arrival: Brainstorm and Mapping
Year 1
Months 1-3: Thought funnel, initial meetings
Months 4-6: Formation of a Mentorship Team
Months 6-12: Development of Primary Research Project
Year 2
Engagement and ownership of project follow through
Initial results and presentation at national meeting(s)
Year 3
Finalization of primary project
Secondary project(s)
Development of Junior Faculty Research Map

Recent Fellow Projects
TBI and Presenting HTN
Automated Pupillometry and ICP
ECMO and Redox Potentials
ECMO for massive Pulmonary Embolism
Sedation Trend Analysis - Protocol Change
Unplanned Extubation - Compliance and Rate
Fluid Overload Kinetics and Outcome
Resource Utilization in Pediatric Poisonings
A Phenotype Derivation of Burnout
Early Mobility Implementation - A QI Analysis
Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy Epidemiology
Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism and Sedation
Intubation Checklist and Team Training
Rapid Cycle Practice in Shock Management
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Critically Ill Children
Predictive Factors for Successful Discontinuation of CRRT
Immune Phenotyping in Pediatric ARDS
Ultrasound Imaging of Endotracheal Tube Positioning
Sedation Protocol in Patients Undergoing MIBG Therapy
Outcomes of Children with Life-Threatening Asthma
Neighborhood Hot Spots in Acute Respiratory Failure

Collaborative Research