The Faculty Development Committee of Emory University’s Department of Neurology includes faculty at all ranks and on all tracks who are based at various activity sites within the department. Individuals are invited to join the committee for renewable three year terms. The committee engages in a range of initiatives that are designed to enhance the quality of life and help faculty members in the department achieve successful academic development and promotion in the Emory’s School of Medicine.
The Emory Department of Neurology Faculty Development Committee is very active and has been involved in the development of various projects to help junior faculty achieve successful growth in the Department. In the following account, you will find a summary of ongoing projects. We welcome inputs from faculty on additional projects and initiatives the committee could consider in the future.
- Create the department Faculty Development Website
- Introduce an annual awards ceremony to recognize outstanding contributions of Neurology Faculty
- Offer quarterly faculty development workshops and provide materials to the faculty on these topics
- Mentor-mentee relationships
- School of Medicine appointments and promotion guidelines
- Development of basic science research program
- Development of clinical research program
- Development in clinical and service
- Tips on successful grantsmanship
- Monitor the efficiency of the departmental mentoring program and provide inputs to junior faculty on their progress towards promotion
- Meet with each junior faculty members every year and a half to discuss mentoring and progress in activities made during the past period
- Present CVs of junior faculty members before the Neurology Department Appointment & Promotion committee to assess strengths and weaknesses in regards to future promotion
- Support and facilitate the annual faculty review process
- Aaron Anderson: Stroke, Assistant Professor
- Cathrin Buetefisch: Neurorehabilitation, Professor
- Rebecca Fasano: Epilepsy, Assistant Professor
- Jonathan Glass: Neuromuscular, Professor
- Jim Greene: General, Associate Professor
- Felicia Goldstein: Neuropsychology, Professor
- Taylor Harrison: Neuromuscular, Associate Professor
- David Loring: Neuropsychology, Professor
- Yoland Smith: Movement Disorders, Professor
- Lynn Marie Trotti: Sleep, Associate Professor
- William Tyor: General VA, Professor
- Thomas Wichmann: Movement Disorders, Professor
- Thomas Wingo: Cognitive, Assistant Professor
- Manuel Yepes: Stroke, Professor