The following information offers approximate timelines with regard to the preparation of promotion packets for submission to the School of Medicine. Information is provided for all areas of distinction and is relevant for promotion to all ranks. We hope that this guidance will be useful to you as you prepare your materials for promotion. Questions should be directed to Mrs. Teresa Utley or Dr. Yoland Smith.
Promotion to Associate Professor or Professor with Tenure or Grant of Tenure in Rank Timeline
- May-June of the year before promotion packet is due: Meet with your mentoring team, Division director and the chair of the A&P Committee to go over your CV and ensure that it is ready to be considered for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.
- Sept-Dec – Upon agreement with the chair of the A&P committee and your division director, submit an updated version of your CV (in the SOM format) to Mrs. Teresa Utley so that it can be presented to the A&P committee. If the A&P committee agrees that you are ready to go up for promotion with tenure, you can start the preparation of your promotion packet.
- Jan-May – Prepare promotion packet. Attend workshops organized by the School of Medicine on the preparation of packets for promotion with tenure.
- May-June – Packet is reviewed by Chair of the A&P Committee and Mrs Teresa Utley to ensure that all elements are included
- Second Monday of July – Due date to submit final promotion packet, including names of external evaluators, to Dean’s Office in the School of Medicine
- Between the time your materials have been sent for review to the evaluators and the final letter from your chair is crafted, you can provide an addendum page(s) to update your materials
- you may have an addendum page(s) for each section of your promotion packet or an all-inclusive addendum page(s) that uses spacing and document titles to distinguish updates for each section
- if your materials have not yet been sent to evaluators for review, you may update your original documents as often as you need to
- Between the time your materials have been sent for review to the evaluators and the final letter from your chair is crafted, you can provide an addendum page(s) to update your materials
- August-Oct– Final promotion packet including evaluators’ letters is reviewed by the Neurology A&P committee, a vote is taken and a recommendation is made to the Department chair as to whether or not your packet should be submitted for promotion to the School of Medicine Dean’s Office.
- Oct – Chair of the Department of Neurology prepares the final letter
- First Monday of Nov – Deadline to submit final promotion packet and chair letter to Dean’s Office in the School of Medicine
- The notification of the University’s decision occurs on a rolling basis. If granted, appointment will be effective on September 01 of the following year
Non Tenure Promotion Based on Scholarship Timeline
- Oct-Nov of the year before promotion packet is due: Meet with your mentoring team, Division director and the chair of the A&P Committee to go over your CV and ensure that it is ready to be considered for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.
- Nov-Dec – Upon agreement with the chair of the A&P committee and your division director, submit an updated version of your CV (in the SOM format) to Mrs. Teresa Utley so that it can be presented to the A&P committee. If the A&P committee agrees that you are ready to go up for promotion with tenure, you can start the preparation of your promotion packet.
- Jan-March – CV is discussed by the A&P committee. A recommendation is made to the Dept chair as to whether or not you are ready to go up for promotion.
- March-Aug- If so, prepare promotion packet. Attend workshops organized by the School of Medicine on the preparation of packets for promotion on the MEST track.
- Sept– Packet is reviewed by Chair of the A&P Committee and Mrs Teresa Utley to ensure that all elements are included
- Sept-Oct– Final promotion packet is reviewed by the Neurology A&P committee, a vote is taken and a recommendation is made to the Department chair as to whether or not your packet should be submitted for promotion to the School of Medicine Dean’s Office.
- Oct-Nov – Chair of the Department of Neurology prepares the final letter
- First Monday of Dec – Deadline to submit final promotion packet and chair letter to Dean’s Office in the School of Medicine
- The notification of the University’s decision occurs on a rolling basis. If granted, appointment will be effective on September 01 of the following year
Non Tenure Promotion Based on Teaching or Service Timeline
- Jan-Feb of the year before promotion packet is due: Meet with your mentoring team, Division director and the chair of the A&P Committee to go over your CV and ensure that it is ready to be considered for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.
- Feb-March – Upon agreement with the chair of the A&P committee and your division director, submit an updated version of your CV (in the SOM format) to Mrs. Teresa Utley so that it can be presented to the A&P committee. If the A&P committee agrees that you are ready to go up for promotion with tenure, you can start the preparation of your promotion packet.
- March-June – CV is discussed by the A&P committee. A recommendation is made to the Dept chair as to whether or not you are ready to go up for promotion.
- June-Sept- If so, prepare promotion packet. Attend workshops organized by the School of Medicine on the preparation of packets for promotion on the MEST track.
- Sept– Packet is reviewed by Chair of the A&P Committee and Mrs. Teresa Utley to ensure that all elements are included
- Sept-Dec– Final promotion packet is reviewed by the Neurology A&P committee, a vote is taken and a recommendation is made to the Department chair as to whether or not your packet should be submitted for promotion to the School of Medicine Dean’s Office.
- Jan – Chair of the Department of Neurology prepares the final letter
- Third Monday of Feb – Deadline to submit final promotion packet and chair letter to Dean’s Office in the School of Medicine
- The notification of the University’s decision occurs on a rolling basis. If granted, appointment will be effective on September 01 of the same year