If they wish, students may choose to work with a faculty mentor at another institution to participate in a research project that might not be available at Emory. Such non-Emory University mentors must meet both of the following requirements:
- Author or co-author of at least 5 peer-reviewed research publications
- Status as the Principal Investigator (PI, not co-PI) on some form of peer-reviewed research grant or contract within the past 3 years. These awards may be from a federal agency such as NIH, or CDC, a private research foundation, or a pharmaceutical company.
Non-Emory mentors will have the same responsibilities as Emory mentors. They will guide the student in preparation of a Research Proposal which must be reviewed and approved in advance of the Discovery period. Mentors are expected to have regular, weekly meetings with their Discovery student to ensure that the project is progressing successfully. They will review and approve the student’s mid-Discovery progress report and provide guidance in preparation of the final Discovery paper. A final student evaluation is required. Information on how to access OASIS, Emory’s online evaluation system will be provided. Mentors will co-sign with their student the Student-Mentor contract which defines the responsibilities of both student and mentor to the program and to each other.
Discovery students do not receive a stipend, but the mentor is expected to fully cover any costs of the research project.
If you have been contacted by a potential Discovery student and wish to apply to be a mentor, please send the following to Dr. Maureen Powers. Be sure to reference the student’s name.
- Current NIH-style biosketch or CV with funding information included
- A brief description of your research interests including an overview of the project to be undertaken
Thank you very much for your interest in mentoring a student in the Discovery Phase and we look forward to working with you.