FIRST transitioned from a 3-year program to a 4-year program on September 1, 2020.
FIRST is both a postdoctoral research fellowship in a research laboratory and an education program designed to train postdoctoral fellows how to teach. The usual schedule of the research component is flexible allowing individual postdoctoral fellows to begin working in their research laboratory on any date. However, the education program requires a schedule of learning/teaching opportunities for the cohort of postdoctoral fellows. For this reason, it is expected that FIRST fellows will begin their research mentorship between September 1st and December 1st but no later than January 2nd. Fellows beginning research from September through January would enter the teaching program in mid-January. Year one of the fellowship is funded by the fellow's research mentor and years 2-4 is funded by FIRST.
Teaching education will follow the research education paradigm. We believe strongly that the development of teaching skills should follow the successful paradigm that scientists have evolved for the development of research skills: (1) classroom work and discussion, followed by (2) guided laboratory exercises, and then (3) immersion in increasingly independent projects.
Research: Scholars will devote 95% on in-depth training in their research project.
Teaching: 2% of Scholar effort will be devoted to participating in the mandatory pedagogic ‘How to Teach’ course.
Professional Development: 3% of effort for the FIRST Scholars will be required to participate in several events that includes monthly seminars and workshops.
Research: The primary emphasis will continue to be research with 80% and 70% effort in Years 2 and 3, respectively
Teaching: The teaching components will comprise 17% and 23% effort in Years 2 and 3, respectively. In year two, 17% of each Scholar’s effort will be devoted to identifying a Teaching Mentor and working with them to explore and plan their mentored teaching experiences. Years 2 and 3 enables the Scholar and Teaching Mentor to design their own program within broad limits.
Professional Development: 3% of effort for the FIRST Scholars will be required to participate in several events that includes monthly seminars and workshops.
Research: While research training will remain an important focus, teacher training plus professional development together will become 50% effort.
Teaching: The teaching components will comprise 47% efforts. Each Scholar will complete their capstone teaching project where they will lead a full science course at a Partner Institution, under the supervision of their AUC Teaching Mentor. Responsibilities will include curriculum and examination design, grading, and student counseling.
Professional Development: 3% of effort for the FIRST Scholars will be required to participate in several events that includes monthly seminars and workshop.