For more information, please contact us.
Transition Planning Support
When do we start the transition planning process?
- Autism Speaks: Transition Tool Kit
- Center for Parent & Information Resources: Transition to Adulthood
- Charting the Life Course Nexus
Who can I contact at the school to support me throughout the process? What is the school’s role in the process?
- Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership
- Parent 2 Parent of Georgia
- Transition and Autism Webpages - info coming soon
- Secondary Transition Considerations and Guiding Questions for Youth Exiting from High School
What should my young adult be working on at school and at home?
Who is part of the transition planning process team?
- Center for Parent & Information Resources: Transition to Adulthood
- Family Guide: Understanding Transition Team Members’ Responsibilities
What are some resources about Transition Planning and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that I should be familiar with?
- National Technical Assistance Center for Transition
- Georgia Department of Education: Autism
- Autism Speaks: Transition Tool Kit
- Georgia Department of Education: Transition
How do I know which diploma option is right for my young adult?
Job Success
What skills and abilities will my young adult need to obtain a job? To maintain a job?
What can we be doing at home or in the community to build job skills and prepare my young adult for employment?
What are the public benefits I need to know?
- Bobby Dodd Institute Benefits Navigation
- Social Security: Apply Online for Disability Benefits
- State of Georgia ABLE Program FAQs
- Home and Community-Based Services Transition Plan
- Benefits Navigator FAQs
What is the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) and how may they support my young adult in obtaining and maintaining a job?
Who can provide accurate information no how earned income will affect benefits?
- Benefits Navigator Program: Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
- Social Security Ticket to Work Program
What various state, local, and community programs may provider job support? What service providers are available?
- Bobby Dodd Institute
- Tommy Nobis Center
- Moving into the World of Employment
- Gabriel Alliance
- CELO Jobs
- Briggs & Associates
- Wow In-Sync
- PRISM Georgia
What work opportunities are available at school?
- Reach out to your work based learning coordinator at your school.
My young adult received waiver funded services. How do I integrate work into my young adult’s ISP?
Post-Secondary Education
What are the post-secondary education options?
- Postsecondary Educational Opportunities Guide
- Organization for Autism Research: Finding Your Way
- National Parent Center on Transition and Employment
How do I support my young adult in selecting the right post secondary setting?
How can I support my young adult to be more independent with their learning and work completion to maximize their success in their post-secondary education experience/setting?
- Georgia Department of Education: Self Determination
- ASPIRE Student-Led IEP
- Charting the Life Course Nexus
- Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment: Preference Indicators
How do I know if my young adult is ready for college? What skills does my young adult need for the increasing demands of PSE settings/experiences?
- Organization for Autism Research: Finding Your Way
- College Autism Network
- College Autism Spectrum
- Georgia Department of Education - College
How will I pay for post-secondary education? How can I access funding to support with the cost of post-secondary education?
- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
- US Department of Education: Federal Student Aid
- Georgia Department of Education - Transition: College Activities
How does my young adult access the disability office and request reasonable accommodations? How often must my young adult complete this process?
Community Engagement
What services are available to support my young adult in building skills for the community?
What services are available to support my young adult in engaging in the community?
What are the community and/or civic activities that my young adult can be involved in? How do they access these resources and get involved?
My young adult’s behavior precludes being out in the community. How can we work on that?
How can I help others understand my young adult’s needs and differences so that they can be included and supported?
- ASPIRE Student-Led IEP
- Georgia Department of Education: Self-Determination
- Georgia Department of Education: Self-Determination Activities
How do I know whether a group or place of business is “autism friendly"?
- Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership
- Parent to Parent Georgia
- Spectrum: Autism Support, Education & Resources
What transportation options are available for my young adult? How can I identify what transportation services my young adult qualifies for? How can my young adult gain support for learning to drive?
Financial Assistance
What kind of funding sources are available to support my young adult in reaching their goals?
- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
- Georgia DBHBB Be Compassionate
- Social Security: Supplemental Security Income Application
What is the waiver and how do I get one?
What do I need to be doing now to financially plan so that my young adult has funding for their support needs?
- Autism Speaks: Financial Planning Toolkit
- Social Secutiy: Spotlight on Achieving a Better Life Experience
How do I access resources to help my young adult to be more financially independent?
- Social Security: Understanding Supplemental Security Income
- Georgia Department of Education: Life Skills
- FDIC: Money Smart for Young People
My young adult receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), what do I need to know?
What do we need to be doing now to make sure that my young adult will have health insurance when they can’t be on our plan anymore?
How do I help my young adult to navigate and advocate their healthcare needs?
- Got Transition: Resources & Research
- Got Transition: Health Care Transition Timeline
- Got Transition: Questions to Ask Your Child's Doctor About Transitioning to Adult Health Care
What services does my young adult need now? What services will they need further into adulthood?
How do I help my young adult engage in and manage healthy behaviors?
How can I locate an appropriate adult care provider who is knowledgeable about my young adult’s disabilities and needs?
How can my young adult prepare for transitioning from pediatric care to adult care?
Independent Living & Residential
Advocacy & Decision Making
What is supported decision making? What are powers of attorney? What is the right choice for my young adult and their needs?
- Georgia Advocacy Office: Guardianship
- National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
- Georgia DOE Webinar: Guardianship-Supported Decision Making
- Judicial Council of Georgia: Guardianship
- Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities: Supported Decision Making
- Georgia Advocacy Office
Do I need to retain guardianship of my young adult? If so, how can I get more information?
- Autism Society: Guardianship and Alternatives
- Georgia DOE Webinar: Guardianship-Supported Decision Making
What resources and supports are out there so that my young adult can increase their knowledge and responsibility in decision making and their rights?
- The 411 on Disability Disclosure
- Learn About Self-Advocacy
- Self Advocacy and Conflict Resolutions Strategies
What supports are out there to teach my young adult self-determination and self-advocacy?
How do I ensure my young adult is registered to vote?
Mental Health Needs
How do I know if my young adult needs mental health supports?
How do I find a mental health provider who understands autism?
How do I secure funding for counseling services? Medication?
- Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
- NAMI: Paying for Your Medications
- CARD: Additional Funding and Support
How can my young adult utilize community mental health resources?
Beyond medication and therapy, what resources are available to help my young adult build and maintain their mental wellness?
Behavioral Health Needs
Parent Support & Future Planning
How do I get training in supporting my young adult with their needs and goals?
How do I find a parent support group?
- Spectrum: Autism Support, Education & Resources
- Marcus Autism Center: Support Groups for Parents
- Autism Speaks: Family Support Group - A Community of Support
How do I go about saving money for my young adult’s future?
What is a special needs trust and would my young adult benefit from this?
How do I develop a “team” of people who will care for and support my young adult if something should happen to me or as I age?
How do I address my safety concerns for my young adult?
- Autism Speaks: Safety in the Home
- Autism Speaks: Safety in the Community
- Autism Speaks: Wandering Prevention Resources
How do I ensure my young adult has emergency contact information on them at all times?
How do I ensure my child understands internet safety and rules?
What resources exist to help my child understand social rules and norms so that they are not bullied or taken advantage of?
PEERS Clinic at Georgia State University: Social Skills Intervention
How do I get my child access to information about healthy sexual behaviors and consent?
- Sexuality & Sexual Development: Autistic Teenagers
- Autism Speaks: Recognizing and Preventing Sexual Abuse
How do I support my young adult in preparing for potential interactions with first responders?
What sorts of safety plans should I be thinking about to have in place for my young adult? (e.g., if they get lost, are in a fire, are approached by a stranger, etc.)
Friendships, Dating & Family Planning
How do I anticipate and support my young adult in dating, healthy relationships, sexual health, and family planning?
- Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership: Parent Mentors
- Autism Support Groups for Parents
- Spectrum: Autism Support, Education and Resources
What resources are there for talking to my young adult about sexual health?
How do I support my young adult in making safe dating decisions?
What resources are out there for young adults that identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community?
What resources can connect peers with shared interests and/or initiate relationships?
Assistive & Specialized Technology
How do I know if my young adult needs an assistive technology evaluation and where do I go to get one?
- Georgia Tech: Tools for Life
- Request an assistive technology evaluation from the school system.
What types of assistive technology exist that could be helpful for my young adult?
- Georgia Tech: Tools for Life
- Georgia DOE: Special Education Services and Supports - Assistive Technology
How can I and my young adult get training on how to use our phones and apps to support with every day life?
- Georgia Tech: Tools for Life
- Georgia DOE: Special Education Services and Supports - Assistive Technology
What resources are there for learning about and how to use new assistive technologies?
- Georgia Tech: Tools for Life
- Georgia DOE: Special Education Services and Supports - Assistive Technology
How can I access funding for assistive technology?