Undergraduate Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology
Medical School: Emory University
PGY1: Emory University School of Medicine
Dami was born in New York City and moved to the metro-Atlanta area at a young age, where he spent most of his childhood. He stayed in Atlanta for his undergraduate and medical studies at Georgia Tech and Emory. Due to its culture and location, Dami decided to stay at Emory for his neurology residency. Emory is well-known for its rigorous education and friendly community, which Dami discovered during medical school. Its program allows him to explore numerous fields within neurology while working in his hometown and giving back to the communities that helped raise him. He plans to serve minority and immigrant communities in the future. He hopes his time at Emory will prepare him to face their population's unique medical and social challenges. In his spare time, he loves to bike around Atlanta with friends, play at golf courses, attend local concerts and play his electric guitar.