Name | 1st Job Post-Graduation | Manuscript Title |
Gill Chao | Fulgent Labs | Uptake of genetic counseling and testing among women with ovarian cancer and/or triple-negative breast cancer at and under age 60 |
Dillon Davis | Piedmont Health System - Cancer | Evaluation of parental genetic knowledge of hearing loss in a pediatric otolaryngology clinic |
Janette diMonda | Emory Health System - General Genetics | Feasibility of an Online Genetic Counseling Information Intervention for Parents Receiving Positive Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening Results for Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy |
Rebecca Hicks | Children's National, DC - peds | Effect of Genetic Counseling on Situational Anxiety, Empowerment, Self-Efficacy, And Perceived Stigma in Early-Life Epilepsies |
Rachel Logan | Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - Pediatric Neurology | Maybe it's Mabry: Using a Common Biomarker to Screen a Large Population for Hyperphosphatasia with Mental Retardation Syndrome |
Laina Lusk | Geisinger Health Systems | Comparison of a self-directed educational module on genetics to in-person counseling for cystic fibrosis adolescents |
Brianna McDaniels | Rutgers Cancer Institute | The Impact of Genetic Counseling and an Educational Tool on Patient's Knowledge about Tumor Genomic Profiling |
Roa Sadat | Texas Children's Hospital/Baylor Peds Neuro | Long Term Follow-Up of SCADD and IBDD Patients Identified by The Georgia Newborn Screening Program |
Karen Wernke | Cincinnati Children's - Cancer | Implementing B-RST in an Academic Safety-Net Hospital to Identify Women at High Risk for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer |