Name | 1st Job Post-Graduation | Manuscript Title |
Caitlin Austin | Prenatal - Ft. Sanders, TN | Genetic Counseling Increases Parental Knowledge and Psychological Adaptation to Turner Syndrome Diagnosis |
Hailey Campbell | Down Syndrome/ Fragile X Clinic, Emory, Atlanta, GA | Parental Quality of Life of Tyrosinemia Type 1 |
Megan Glassford | General: Peds and Metabolic, Univ. of Michigan | The psychosocial impact of the diagnosis on caregivers of children with 3q29 deletion syndrome |
Amanda Hodgkins | Miami Cancer Clinica, Miami, FL | Social media use in Gaucher disease and Fabry disease |
Ellie Kaplan | General: Peds, NBS-CF, Univ. of Chicago | Disease-specific genetic knowledge about cystic fibrosis in adolescents with cystic fibrosis and their parents |
Sarah Macklin | General: Peds, Wolfson Children's Hospital, Jacksonville, FL | The psychosocial impact of carrying a debated variant in the GLA gene |
Sarah Pass | MD Anderson - Cancer | The Impact of Treatment on Reproductive Decisions in Fabry Disease |
Jamie Paysour | Northside Hospital - Cancer, Atlanta, GA | Caregivers and Clinical-Follow-Up in a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Clinic |
Heather Wiles | Intermountain Health Center, Salt Lake City, UT | Stress, Anxiety, and Adaptation to Genetic Information: Parental Experiences Receiving a Prenatal Diagnosis of Klinefelter Syndrome |