Advancing Health Equity
To advance health equity for all people, we must consider health inequities through a wide lens of experiences, identities, and systems. In recent years, health equity, as a scholarly domain and a central issue in medicine, has significantly evolved. As part of this evolution and growth, there is a need for continuous learning, assessment, and action. We are committed to advancing health equity that is grounded in the foundations of scientific assessment and evidentiary scholarship. In that spirit, we ground our work in the broader scholarship and leadership of our professional organizations, including teams from the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Center for Health Justice. These organizations came together to produce a trusted resource that guides our work, Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts, and which provides physicians, health care workers, and our communities with a valuable foundational toolkit for understanding health equity.
The guide reports that "conversations about race and racism tend to be some of the most difficult for people in this country to participate in for numerous reasons, including a lack of knowledge or shared analysis of its historical and current underpinnings, as well as outright resistance and denial that racism exists.” The guide further notes that with the chasm between groups, understanding and empathy can be achieved by learning to walk a mile in another’s shoes. Together, we have an opportunity and obligation to overcome these divides and create spaces for understanding and healing.
AAMC Anti-Racism Resources
Our nation’s legacy of racism is embedded in our health care system. For many people of color, this legacy has meant less access to quality care and poorer health outcomes. We research and promote the policies and practices needed to achieve an antiracist health system where people of color can thrive.
Share Your Voice for Healing and Growing
As a part of our strategic plan to design and implement an anti-racism educational curriculum, the Actionable Education Initiative (AEI) subcommittee on anti-racism is asking the SOM community to share a story or experience influenced by difference. Submissions can include stories of microaggressions, discrimination, harm, threat of harm, processing, healing or allyship. The de-identified stories will inform educational interventions and policies to help eradicate bias and injustice within our institution. Please note, if you do not wish to officially report any harm at this time, please keep your submissions free of identifying information, as our team members are mandatory reporters.