Guido Silvestri, MD Appointed Department Chair Drs. Jon Lewin and Vikas Sukhatme are pleased to announce the appointment of Guido Silvestri, MD, as chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Immune Response How Immunologist Max Cooper May Have Saved Your Life Max Dale Cooper, MD Pathology Faculty Member Presented with Lifetime Achievement Award George G. Birdsong, MD, FCAP, 2018 CAP Lifetime Achievement Awardee New Emory Initiatives Drive Innovation in the Basic Sciences The "From Molecular Pathogenesis to Global Pandemics" initiative is led by professors Ken Moberg, Jaap de Roode and Guido Silvestri. Interactive eLearning Tool Created by Emory Pathology Faculty Member The Emory Pathology eLearning Portal (EPeP) is an online training site that presents interactive cases and scenarios, asking questions that the Archives Recognizes Pathology Faculty It all began nearly two years ago with an unexpected email from the Editor-in-Chief of the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, the flagship A Sojourn in Sierra Leone by Colleen Kraft, MD, Associate Professor of Pathology During the care of patients with hemorrhagic fevers in Emory’s Serious Communicable