About me

- PGY-1
- Atlanta, Georgia
Professional Interests
- Vascular
- Pediatrics
- Spine
Future Plans
- Academics
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, 2023
- AANS Donald O. Quest Clinical Science Award, 2023
- Jay Romans Medical Student Research Award, Morehouse School of Medicine, 2023
- Excellence in the First-Year Curriculum Award, Morehouse School of Medicine, 2021
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
- American Association of Neurological Surgeons
- American Medical Association
- Outdoor activities
- Traveling
- Photography
- Trying new restaurants
- BS, University of Georgia, 2017
- MD, Morehouse School of Medicine, 2024
Peer-Review Publications
Maddy K, Trenchfield D, Destine H, Waiters V, Nwatu D, Lucke-Wold B. (2023). Spinal Tumor Embolization: Benefit for Surgical Resection. BOHR International Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience, 1(2), 71-80. https://doi.org/10.54646/bijnn.2023.10
Michael T. Bounajem, MD, Evan Joyce, MD, MS, Jonathan P. Scoville, MD, MSPH, Joshua Seinfeld, MD, Jessa Hoffman, MD, Jonathan Grossberg, MD, Vanesha Waiters, BS, Andrew White, MD, John Nerva, MD, Jan-Karl Burkhardt, MD, Dan Tonetti, MD, Kareem Naamani, MD, M. Reid Gooch, MD, Pascal Jabbour, MD, Stavrapoula Tjoumakaris, MD, Santiago Ortega Gutierrez, MD, Michael Levitt, MD, Michael Lang, MD, William J. Ares, MD, Sohum Desai, MD, Justin R. Mascitelli, MD, Craig J. Kilburg, MD, Karol P. Budohoski, MD, PhD, William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, Bradley A. Gross, MD, Ramesh Grandhi, MD. (2023). Safety and Efficacy of the Pipeline Flex Embolization Device with Shield Technology in the Acute Treatment of Ruptured Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysms: A Multi-Institution Case Series. Neurosurgical Focus: May 2023 Contemporary Indications for Flow Diversion Issue.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Waiters, V, Rai, S, Hoang, K (2023). Intraoperative Surgical Adjuncts in Neurosurgical Oncology. CNS+. February 2023.
Waiters, V, Hoang, K (2023). Tumors of the Spine and Spinal Cord. CNS+. February 2023.
Oral Presentations
A Multicenter International Study on Incidence and Predictors of Poor Functional Outcomes despite Successful Endovascular Recanalization in Acute Stroke. 2023 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting: Neurosurgeons as Advocates. April 2023. Los Angeles, CA.
Demographic and Procedural Predictors of Ischemic Stroke Outcomes Following Endovascular Recanalization. Georgia Neurosurgical Society: 2022 Annual Spring Meeting, May 2022. St. Simons, GA.
Can Andrographolide Preserve the Blood-Brain Barrier Following Brain Injury via Interleukin-6 Inhibition? Morehouse School of Medicine’s Medical Student Summer Research and Public Health Experience, July 2020. Atlanta, GA.
Poster Presentations
Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease: Trends in Amyloid β Levels in TBI Patients and a Mouse Model of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Emory School of Medicine’s Inaugural Neurosurgery Research and Innovation Symposium. May 2023. Atlanta, GA
Modulation of Cognitive Impairment After Repetitive Head Injury Through a Cellular Prion Protein and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Dependent Pathway. Emory School of Medicine’s Inaugural Neurosurgery Research and Innovation Symposium. May, 2023. Atlanta, GA
The Role of Cellular Prion Protein in Cognitive Impairment Following Repetitive Head Injury. 2023 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting: Neurosurgeons As Advocates. April 2023. Los Angeles, CA.
A Retrospective Analysis of Poor Functional Outcomes in Acute Stroke despite Successful Endovascular Recanalization. 2023 Curtis L. Parker Student Research Symposium. February 2023. Atlanta, GA
Cellular Prion Protein as a Mediator of Cognitive Impairment in Recurrent Head Injury. 2023 Curtis L. Parker Student Research Symposium. February 2023.