About me

- PGY-4
Eustis, FL
Areas of Interest
- Pediatrics
Future Plans
- Academics
- NRSA F30
- Cooking
- Golf
- Travel
- BS, University of Florida, 2014
- MD, PhD, University of Florida, 2021
- Sebastian M.*, Hsiao C.J.*, Futch H.S.*, Eisinger R.S.*, Dumeny L.*, Patel S., Gobena M., Katikaneni D.S., Cohen J., Carpenter A., Spiryda L., Heldermon C.D., Jin L., Brantly M.L. Obesity and STING1 related genotype Associate with 23-valent Pneumococcal Vaccination Efficacy. JCI Insight 5, 9 (2020).
- Goodwin M.S., Croft, C.L., Futch, H.S., Ryu, D.H., Ceballos-Diaz, C., Liu, X., Paterno, G., Mejia, C., Deng, D., Menezes, K., Londono, L., Arjona, K., Parianos, M., Truong, V., Rostonics, E., Hernandez, A., Boye, S.L., Boye, S.E., Levites, Y., Cruz, P.E. Utilizing Minimally Purified Secreted rAAV for Rapid and Cost-Effective Manipulation of Gene Expression in the CNS. Molecular Neurodegeneration 15, 15 (2020).
- Croft, C.L., Futch, H.S., Moore, B.D., Golde, T. E. Organotypic brain slice cultures to model neurodegenerative proteinopathies. Molecular Neurodegeneration 14, 45 (2019).
- Futch, H.S., McFarland K.N., Moore B.D., Kuhn M.Z., Giasson B.I., Ladd T.B., Scott K.A., Shapiro M.R., Nosacka R.L., Goodwin M.S., Ran Y., Cruz, P.E., Ryu, D.H., Croft C.L., Levites, Y., Janus, C., Chakrabarty, P., Judge, A.R., Brusko, T.M., de Kloet, A.D., Krause, E.G., Golde, T.E. An anti-CRF antibody suppresses the HPA axis and reverses stress-induced phenotypes. Journal of Experimental Medicine doi: 10.1084/jem.20190430 (2019).
- Futch, H.S., Corliss, B.M., Polifka, A.J., Hoh, B.L., Fox, W.C. Solitaire stent-retriever mechanical thrombectomy in a 6-month-old patient with acute occlusion of the internal carotid artery terminus. World Neurosurgery (2019) doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.03.038.
- Futch, H.S., Croft, C.L. SIRT1: A Novel Way to Target Tau? Journal of Neuroscience 36, 7755-7757 (2018).
- Futch, H.S., Croft, C.L., Truong, V.Q., Krause, E.G., Golde, T.E. Targeting psychologic stress signaling pathways in Alzheimer’s disease. Molecular Neurodegeneration 12, 49 (2017).
- Serrano, M. P., Herrero-Labrador, R., Futch, H.S., Serrano, J., Romero, A., Fernandez, A.P., Samadi, A., Unzeta, M., Marco-Contelles, J., Martinez-Murillo, R. The proof-of-concept of ASS234: Peripherally administered ASS234 enters the central nervous system and reduces pathology in a male mouse model of Alzheimer disease. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 42, 59–69 (2017).
- Gómez-Gonzalo, M., Martin-Fernandez, M., Martinez-Murillo, R., Mederos, S., Hernanadez-Vivanco, A., Jamison, S., Fernandez, A.P., Serrano, J., Calero, P., Futch, H.S., Corpas, R., Sanfeliu, C., Perea, G., Araque, A. Neuron-astrocyte signaling is preserved in the aging brain: Neuron-Astrocyte Signaling in Aging Brain. Glia 65, 569–580 (2017).
- Fernandez, A.P., Masa, J.S., Guedan, M.A., Futch, H.S. & Martínez-Murillo, R. Adrenomedullin expression in Alzheimer’s Brain. Current Alzheimer Research 13, 428–438 (2016).
- Hoang-Minh, L. B. Deleyrolle, L.P., Siebzehnrubl, D., Ugartemendia, G., Futch H., Griffith, B., Breunig, J.J., De Leon, G., Mitchell, D.A., Semple-Rowland, S., Reynolds, B.A., Sarkisian, M.R. Disruption of KIF3A in patient-derived glioblastoma cells: effects on ciliogenesis, hedgehog sensitivity, and tumorigenesis. Oncotarget 7, 7029 (2016).
- Hitomi, M., Deleyrolle, L.P., Mulkearns-Hubert, E.E., Jarrar, A., Li, M., Sinyuk, M., Otvos, B., Brunet, S., Flavahan, W.A., Hubert, C.G., Goan, W., Hale, J.S., Alvarado, A.G., Zhang, A., Rohaus, M., Oli, M., Vedam-Mai, V., Fortin, J.M., Futch, H.S., Griffith, B., Wu, Q., Xia, C., Gong, X., Ahluwalia, M.S., Rich, J.N., Reynolds, B.A., Lathia, J.D. Differential Connexin Function Enhances Self-Renewal in Glioblastoma. Cell Reports 11, 1031–1042 (2015).