The Emory University Brain, Stress, Hypertension and Aging Research Program (BSHARP) is a collaborative team of investigators and research personnel that aim to better understand the relationship between brain health and the cardiovascular system, focusing on aging and hypertension. We serve as a central link at Emory University between multiple scientific and clinical areas such as aging and geriatrics, cardiology and vascular biology neurosciences (cognitive neurology, neuroimaging, neuropsychology), and molecular sciences. Our research studies the effect of hypertension and its treatment on cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Our ultimate goal is to develop new therapies that will affect both. We are an interdisciplinary program at Emory University with collaborators from multiple disciplines and programs locally and nationally across other institutions. Dr. Ihab Hajjar an associate professor of medicine is the principal investigator for the program.
Collaborate with Us
BSHARP investigators welcome collaborations with other investigators within Emory or other institutions. If you are interested in including any of these measures in your research please contact Dr. Ihab Hajjar. Our group has a wide range of expertise:
Neuroimaging Capabilities
The neuroimaging activities of the BSHARP program include multimodality assessment of both cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) and perfusion (ASL) as well brain connectivity and microvascular brain damage (white matter lesions, DTI, and atrophy). We have established a neuro-imaging protocol and system that allows us to measure beat-to-beat blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and end-tidal CO2 along with the Neuroimaging signals. Using these signals we can derive measures of CVR and cerebrovascular regulation in various patient populations.
Stress Response Assessment
Using advances in biosensors we developed a non-invasive system to assess bot neuro-responses and cardiovascular responses to stress. We currently can measure impedance cardiography (ICG), Ballisto-cardiography (BCG), ECG, Electro-dermal activity (EDA), beat-by-beat blood pressure, and respiratory rates in response to various stimuli and stressors. Our team in collaboration with the Inan Research Lab at Georgia Tech is developing new physio-markers of stress response as it relates to racial cognitive disparity, mental stress, and discrimination. We also utilize an array of questionnaires to assess stress exposure.
Vascular Function Assessment
With aging, the vascular system demonstrates multiple phenotypic changes. In collaboration with Emory Clinical Cardiovascular Research Institute, we currently measure both ICG and PWV at the BSHARP lab. We also have capabilities to measure 24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring and beat-to-beat blood pressure.
Cognitive Assessment
We utilize a large array of cognitive and functional tools include the NIH-Tool box, EXAMINER and other standardized tools for cognitive assessments.
Support Our Program
A charitable donation is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to research for specific medical issues. By supporting the BSHARP Program you are contributing to geriatric clinical research that is examining the relationship between cognitive function and vascular health with implications for Alzheimers Disease. This research is investigating the complexities of Alzheimers Disease and exploring new treatment options.
If you would like to donate, please do the following:
- Visit the Give to Emory website
- Select your gift amount or fill in a custom gift amount
- In the Specific Designation field on the page, type in BSHARP/Hajjar Program
- Continue populating the rest of the fields on the page as appropriate
- Finish and submit the form