Academic Advising
Several types of academic advising are available to all students as necessary. These are general advising, skills workshops, peer tutoring, private tutoring services in the case of USMLE Step 1 and 2 examinations, and professional educational advising.
General Advising
General advising is organized in the School of Medicine through workshops, 1:1 academic advising, and faculty interactions. All students receive advice during orientation to the different curriculum phases. Beginning at orientation, first year students engage in various workshops focused on how to study in medical school, managing time, optimizing student success, self-care, and preparing for class. In addition, they receive access to the booklet entitled Academic Success at Emory that includes advice on study and learning skills, time management, test taking, wellness and self-care and lifelong learning. For first year students, the Center for Holistic Student Success invites students to engage in one-on-one academic advising meetings as well as encouraged to continue making connections with their small group advisors and other Deans. During the curriculum, most general advising is carried out by our Associate Dean of Student Success, Associate Dean for Medical Education and Student Affairs, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Clinical Services, Assistant Dean of Medical Education and Student Affairs, and our Director of Foundations. This advising occurs in the form of scheduled meetings with all students in a particular curriculum phase, and ad hoc meetings with students appearing to be in difficulty. Ad hoc meetings can occur at the request of the appropriate dean or at the request of a student.
Skills Workshops and Special Topics Lectures
Skills workshops and special topic lectures occur during orientation and primarily by student request at intervals during the curriculum. Examples include time-management, using electronic resources for study, a focused series on preparation for USMLE Step 1. They are conducted either by faculty or by members of the staff at the Emory Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) who are supported by the School of Medicine.
Peer Tutoring
A select number of advanced students participate in a formal peer tutoring service overseen by a qualified faculty member. A call is put out for applications each summer and individuals who are selected must then undergo training organized by the responsible faculty member who must then match the tutor with the needs of individual students needing assistance.
Private Tutoring Services
Those students needing assistance in preparation for USMLE 1 and 2 are advised to attend residential courses at either Wolfpacc or the Pass program, with whom the school has long-standing relationships. By policy, the school will support students for tuition and living expenses for a residential program if they are recipients of financial aid.
Professional Academic Advising
Students who are unable to make progress through the curriculum are referred to the principal of a local education institution for further evaluation. They may then continue working with that person or be recommended for a complete psychological educational assessment by an outside psychologist.
Last modified: 07/15/2023.