For the protection of the health of our students and because of the risks of exposure to infectious diseases to which medical students are subjected in the course of clinical work, certain tests and immunizations are required of all students prior to matriculation.
Entering students are required to provide documentation of all required immunizations using the Emory University Student Health Services (EUSHS) Immunization Form [PDF]. This form must be signed by a healthcare provider and returned to EUSHS prior to matriculation.
A physical examination is also required prior to matriculation and must be recorded on the School of Medicine Physical Examination Form [PDF]. This form must also be signed by a healthcare provider and returned to EUSHS prior to matriculation.
Students will not be allowed to register or participate in any clinical activities until both forms are on file with EUSHS. An updated medical history and physical examination are required for re-enrollment after more than one year of attendance lapses. For readmission after withdrawal for medical reasons, medical clearance by designated University health officials is required.
Immunization Requirements 2024-2025
Documentation for the following immunizations and tests is required prior to matriculation for all entering medical students:
- COVID-19 Vaccine – All Emory medical students must be vaccinated against COVID-19. This includes a full series of initial vaccine, plus at least one booster.
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis – primary series at or after age 11, followed by a Tdap booster every 10 years.
- Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) – 2 doses of a combined MMR – OR – 2 doses of Measles, 2 doses of Mumps, and 1 dose of Rubella – OR a positive antibody titer for each disease.
- Varicella (Chickenpox) – positive Varicella antibody titer – OR 2 doses of the Varicella vaccine given at least 1 month apart.
- Hepatitis B – complete 2 or 3 dose series, followed by a positive quantitative antibody titer.
- Tuberculosis Screening - students must provide a negative IGRA tuberculosis blood test (QuantiFERON Gold or T-spot) that has been administered within six months prior to matriculation.
TB Screening notes:
- Entering students with a positive test for latent TB are required to provide a negative chest x-ray and will be asked for the history of treatment.
- Students who have received BCG vaccination in the past are required to have a negative IGRA tuberculosis blood test (QuantiFERON Gold or T-spot). If the IGRA is positive, students are required to provide a negative chest x-ray.
Emory Student Health Services is aware that some students request medical or religious exemptions to vaccination with one or more of the required vaccines. In the case of a medical contraindication, EUSHS requires the student to submit a letter of explanation, signed by both the student and the student's healthcare provider, along with other immunization records to EUSHS through the Student Patient Portal. To see more details about medical and religious exemption processes, please visit our immunization page and scroll to the FAQs section.
Last modified: 07/15/2024.