Purpose: To ensure the safety of patients and students and foster an optimal environment for student learning.
Regarding communications and marketing, this policy contains the Top 3 Things to Know as a student at Emory.
Conduct Code Policy information
Students are expected to submit candid, constructive, professional evaluations of EUSOM courses, faculty, residents, and others when asked to do so.
The relationship between teacher and student is the foundation of the academic mission of the University. This relationship vests considerable trust in the teacher, who, in turn, bears the responsibility to serve as mentor, educator, and impartial evaluator.
Emergency Preparedness information.
During the clinical clerkships, students must adhere to the duty hour guidelines as outlined by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), with the exception that students cannot work more than 80 hours in any given week.
At EUSOM, student education records are confidential and available only to those members of the EUSOM faculty and administration with a legitimate educational interest, unless released by the student or as otherwise governed by laws concerning confidentiality.
The Emory University School of Medicine provides students with formative feedback on their academic performance, based on assessment data, regarding their progress towards achieving course and/or program outcomes.
The bodies available for dissection were donated by individuals who wanted their remains to be used for education and research. As a medical student, you are privileged to have the opportunity to use this anatomical donation.
The bodies available for dissection were donated by individuals who wanted their remains to be used for education and research. As a medical student, you are privileged to have the opportunity to use this anatomical donation.
References the Emory University School of Medicine Honor Code.
During a weather emergency, student safety is the highest concern.
The primary missions of the School of Medicine are to provide outstanding educational programs for medical and graduate students and trainees; to provide the highest standard of clinical care for patients; to develop outstanding, knowledgeable physicians and scientists who serve the community and the world; and to conduct innovative and collaborative research and integrate this knowledge into the practice of medicine.
Emory University considers the safety and welfare of its students, faculty, staff and patients a top priority. When a student engages in behavior that violates Emory's rules of conduct, the behavior will be addressed as a disciplinary matter under the applicable Student Conduct Code.
A Learner Model (LM) is any person (student, housestaff, faculty, volunteer, etc.) participating as a model for a physical examination skill or ultrasound skill.
This policy also defines the criteria for courses in the Emory School of Medicine MD Program in which narrative, summative assessment of medical student performance is required.
Any student who is requesting parental time off for the birth or adoption of a child must discuss their plan at least 3 months prior to the adoption or due date with the designated Dean (based on the curricular phase when the time off will occur) or Program Director for approval.
Students are not permitted to record (either via audio* or video) any Emory School of Medicine educational event without the prior expressed authorization of the faculty member.
This policy defines the number of hours that students have required activities in or out of class.
All required clinical clerkships define the types of patients and clinical conditions that medical students are required to encounter, the skills to be performed by medical students, the appropriate clinical settings for these experiences, and the expected levels of medical student responsibility.
All research studies that include Emory School of Medicine medical students as subjects (i.e. any study that requires human subject protections as defined in HHS 45CFR46 must be approved by the Executive Curriculum Committee (ECC).
All SOM students are required to own a laptop that meets or exceeds SOMITS' minimum IT requirements.
Faculty and house staff members' professional or personal roles, should not conflict with their roles as teachers and evaluators of students.
Per Emory University policy under the Family Educational Rights and privacy Act (FERPA), each student has a right of access to their education records, except confidential letters of recommendation and financial records of the student's parents.
A chaperone's role regarding intimate examinations (those involving breast, genitalia or rectum), is both to protect patients from abuse, as well as to protect medical care providers from false allegations.
Medical interpreting is a profession that requires training, experience, skills, knowledge of medical terminology, the Standards of Practice, and the Code of Ethics, as well as language fluency and proficiency in both English and the patient's language.
The schedule of studies and clinical activities of the MD Program requires full-time engagement of each student. Employment during any part of the educational program may interfere with studies and clinical work and seriously jeopardize a student's ability to complete the degree program.
The School of Medicine strives for an environment that is respectful of all community members and does not tolerate mistreatment of students.
Final course and clerkship grades must be available to students within 4 weeks (and up to 6 weeks at the latest) after the course or clerkship end date.
All student activities in the School of Medicine that require the reservation of space must submit a request for approval to Ms. Shikina Harrison in Student Affairs.
Last Modified: 7/15/2024